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ISO 2603-2016 pdf free download

ISO 2603-2016 pdf free download.Simultaneous interpreting Permanent booths Requirements
Interpretation simultanée — Cabines permanentes — Exigences.
4.3 Control booth
If present, the control booth shall be placed close to the interpreting booths in order to facilitate access and enable visual communication between the technician and the interpreters and to provide the technician with a clear view ol all proceedings, including speakers and use of the projection screen. Interpreters shall have a facility whereby they can communicate directly with the control booth. The technician shall have safe, quick and easy access to the booths and the conference room. See also
ISO 20109:2016, C.2.
4.4 Access to booths
There shall be quick and easy access to the booths from the hall and between booths.
A minimum of 10 % of the booths, rounded up to the next whole number, shall be accessible to persons
with a disability in accordance with ISO 21542.
4.5 VisIbility
A direct, unobstructed view of the entire conference room, including a projection screen and the
rostrum is essential. If the booths are located to one side of the conference room, the angle of the
interpreters’ line of vision towards a screen should be no less than 350, taking the edge of the booth as
a reference, The purpose of this is to give the interpreter a clear view of the rostrum and the projection
screen without the interpreters having to bend or incline the body.
In very large halls, where the rostrum and/or projection screen are more than 20 m away, video displays shall be used (in accordance with ISO 20109:2016, 8.2)
— if the distance between the booths and the screen is 3 times the screen’s diagonal, or
— lithe booths are located behind the main speakers or on an upper level,
The interpreters’ booths shall be sited in such a way that columns and pillars allow interpreters to have clear view of the projection screen, the rostrum and speakers without having to make any additional movements. Materials used shall be such that they do not inhibit visibility of the projection screen and the rostrum (e.g. non-glaring glass),
5 Building standards for booths
5.1 General
Each booth shall be wide enough to accommodate the required number of interpreters seated comfortably side by side.ISO 2603-2016 pdf free download.

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