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ISO 27789-2013 pdf free download

ISO 27789-2013 pdf free download.Health informatics Audit trails for electronic health records
Informatique de sante — Historique d’expertise des dossiers de san té inform atisés.
Secure services are required to obtain these data.
The followingdata are required primarily forapplication systemsand processes. Since multi-tier, distributed or composite applications make source identification ambiguous, this collection of fields may repeat for each application or process actively involved in the event. For example, multiple value-sets can identify participating web servers, application processes, and database server threads in an n-tier distributed application. Passive event participants. e.g. low-level network transports, need not be identified.
Depending on implementation strategies, it is possible that the components in a multi-tier, distributed or composite applications may generate more than one audit record for a single application event. Various data in the audit record may be used to identify such cases, supporting subsequent data reduction. This document anticipates that the repository and reporting mechanisms perform data reduction when required, but does not specify those mechanisms.
7.5.2 Audit enterprise site ID
Description: Logical source location within the healthcare enterprise network; e.g. a hospital or other provider location within a multi-entity provider group.
Optionality: Conditional mandatory
Format/Values: Unique identifier text string within the healthcare enterprise. Optional when the audit system is uniquely identified by Audit Source ID.
Rationale: This value differentiates among the sites in a multi-site enterprise health information system.
NOTE This is defined by the application that generates the audit record. It contains a unique code that identifies a business organization (owner of data) that is known to the enterprise. The value further qualifies and disambiguates the Audit Source ID. Values can vary depending on type of business. There can be levels of differentiation within the organization.
7.5.3 Audit source ID
Description: Identifier of the source where the event originated.
Optionality: Mandatory
Format/Values: Unique identifier text string, at least within the Audit Enterprise Site ID
Rationale: This field ties the event to a specific source system. It may be used to group events for analysis according to where the event occurred.ISO 27789-2013 pdf free download.

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