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ISO 28158-2010 pdf free download

ISO 28158-2010 pdf free download.Dentistry — Integrated dental floss and handles
Médecine bucco-dentaire — Porte-fil et flu dentaire integré.
A.2 Apparatus and material
A.2.1 Clamping device capable of sufficiently clamping the specimen, such as that shown in Figure A.1.
A.2.2 Vice, capable of holding the clamping device (A.2.1).
A.2.3 Hook, having a tensile strength of not less than 100 N. smooth surface and cross-sectional diameter (3,0 ± 0.5) mm.
NOTE Hooks with a sechonal diameter smaller than 2,5 mm or wdh a rough surface, or with both, can cause a breakage of the dental floss due to the excess concentration of force at the junction of the hook and the floss.
A.2.4 String or chain, or both, rigid, and having a tensile strength of not less than 100 N.
A.2.5 Weight, capable of producing a static loading force of (10,0 ± 0.5) N including both the hook (A.2.3) and the string or chain, or both (A.2.4).
A.2.6 Timer, accurate to I s.
A.2.7 Water. Grade 3 of ISO 3696 or equivalent.
A.3 Procedure
Perform the following procedure to determine the strength of each specimen. Test 10 specimens. (See Figure A.1 for the schematic alignment for the strength test.)
a) Fix the clamping device (A.2.1) to the vice (A.2.2). Assemble the static weight by connecting the weight (A.2.5), the string or chain, or both (A.2.4) and the hook (A.2.3).
b) Immerse the specimen of the integrated dental floss and handle in water (A.2.7) at (37 ± 2) °C for (90 ‘ 1g s.
C) Immediately after the removal from water, remove excess water on the surface of the specimen while holding it by shaking the specimen twice with a sharp snap of the wrist, and damp the specimen on the clamping device as follows.
1) The longitudinal axis of the floss of the specimen shall be horizontal at least on the start of the test.
2) The circumferential surface of the lower supporting washer(s) (Item 6) shall be attached to the lower surface of the handle of the specimen at the centre of the user-gripping area. The surfaces of the pads (Item 7) which face the handle shall press up against the respective surfaces of the handle, including the centre of the user-gripping area of the handle supporting the specimen.ISO 28158-2010 pdf free download.

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