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ISO 289-3-2015 pdf free download

ISO 289-3-2015 pdf free download.Rubber, unvulcanized — Determinations using a shearing-disc viscometer — Part 3:Determination of the Delta Mooney value for non-pigmented, oil-extended emulsion-polymerized SBR
Caoutchouc non vulcanisé — Determinations utilisant un consistomètre a disque de cisaillement — Pa rtie 3: Determination de Ia valeur Delta Mooney pour le caoutchouc styrène-butadiène polymérisé en emulsion, étendu a l’huile, non pigmenté.
Delta Mooney A values
NOTI A massed test samples Is referred to as a homogenized test sample in Iso 1795. Similarly, an unniassed test sampleN can be described as an unhomogenized test sample.
Al value
difference between the Mooney viscosities of an unmassed test sample recorded at 15 mm and I mm, i.e. ML(1+15) – ML(1+1)
A2 value
difference between the Mooney viscosities of an unmassed test sample recorded at 7 mm and I mm, i.e.
ML(1+7) — ML(1+1)
A3 value
difference between the Mooney viscosities of a massed test sample recorded at 15 mm and 1.5 mm, I.e.
ML(l+15) — ML(1+1,5)
Delta Mooney B value
difference between the minimum Mooney viscosity soon after starting the rotor and the subsequent maximum Mooney viscosity for an unmassed test sample
Note 1 to entry: The values are complementary and any combination may be used to assist in distinguishing those rubbers that are easy to process from those that process with significantly greater difficulty.
4 Principles
The test consists of determining the difference between the Mooney viscosity values at two specified times (Delta Mooney A) or at two specified points on the curve of Mooney viscosity against time (Delta Mooney B), see Figure 1.
5 Apparatus
The test apparatus shall be as specified in Iso 289-1,
6 CalibratIon
The test apparatus shall be calibrated according to ISO 289-1.
7 Preparation of test piece
Ensure that the unmassed test sample is free from entrapped air and that the surface is smooth and regular, thereby avoiding air entrapment between the test piece and the rotor or die surfaces, This may be achieved by compacting the test sample in a mould for 5 mm at 23 °C ± 2 °C, followed by a relaxation period of 15 mm.
The massed (“homogenized) test sample shall be prepared according to ISO 1795.
The test piece shall be prepared from the test sample according to ISO 289-1.
8 Test temperature
The test temperature shall be 100 °C ± 0,5 °C, this being the temperature of the closed dies with the rotor in place and the cavity empty.
9 Procedure
The test shall be conducted according to the procedure described in ISO 289-1. using the large rotor, a preheating time of I mm and a running time ofeither7 mm or 15 mm.
If the viscosity has not been recorded continuously, plot the observed Mooney viscosity values as specified in ISO 289-1.ISO 289-3-2015 pdf free download.

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