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ISO 29281-1-2013 pdf free download

ISO 29281-1-2013 pdf free download.Intelligent transport systems Communication access for land mobiles
(CALM) Non-IP networking Part 1:Fast networking & transport layer protocol (FNTP)
Systèmes intelligents de transport — Accès aux communications des services mobiles terrestres (CALM) — Réseautique non-IP — Partie 1: Réseautique rapide et protocole de Ia couche transport.
Communication Interface Parameters” (CIPs) may be used to request setting of transmit (TX) parameters of a VCI used to connect to a peer ITS station prior to transmission of a packet, when those parameters need to be changed on a packet-by-packet basis. TX CIPs shall be reported to the selected VCI in pa ra meter “access_parameters of the IN-UN ITDATA.request service primitive specified in ISO 21218.
In receive mode notification of RX CIPs related to receive (RX) parameter settings of the own receiving CI shall be in parameter access_parameters’ of the lN-tJNITDATA.indication service primitive specified in ISO 21218.
ClPs related to TX parameters of the peer ITS station being may be contained in an ‘FNTP extended NPDLJ” for extended mode of operation.
NOTE It is expected that CIP management is only done in ITS-S routers.
If TX CIPs shall be forwarded to a peer ITS station as a CIP header in the FNTP extended NPDU, the FNTP shall create a CIP header, and shall put the CIPs into parameter “access_parameters” prior to sending the transmission request to the selected VCI.
If forwarding of TX CIPs to a peer ITS station shall not be performed, then the FNTP of the ITS-S router shall ensure, that ClPs are only present in parameter “access_parameters”, but not contained in a CIP header of the NPDU.
However if setting of CIPs or evaluation of CIPs has to be done in ITS-S hosts, then forwarding of CIP information between ITS-S hosts and ITS-S routers is required.
TX CIPs contained in an FNTP extended NPDU shall be removed after the first hop in case of N-hop broadcast.
7.9.2 Forwarding of CIPs from ITS-S host to ITS-S router
The FNTP at the ITS-S host shall create an “FNTP forwarding NPDIJ” as specified in ZA with a CIP header of ASN.1 type ClPheader specified in Annex A. The FNTP shall:
— notify failure of transmission by means of the service primitive NF-FNTP-COMM.confirm.
The receiving ITS-S router in the same ITS station shall inspect the CIP header. In case, forwarding of the
CIP header to the peer ITS station shall be prohibited, the CIP header shall be removed from the NPDU.
Then the remaining NPDU shall he processed as specified in 222., with parameter “access_parameters’
set equal to the content of the CIP header.
7.9.3 Forwarding of CIPs from ITS-S router to ITS-S host
Upon reception of an NPDU from a CI, the FNTP shall inspect parameter access_parameters of the
IN-UNITDATA.indication service primitive, and shall make these parameters available to the proper
destination in the ITS-S router. Definition of such a destination is outside the scope of this part of
ISO 29281. Ifsuch a destination is not known in an implementation, all CIP information shall be discarded.ISO 29281-1-2013 pdf free download.

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