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ISO 294-1-2017 pdf free download
ISO 294-1-2017 pdf free download.Plastics — Injection moulding of test specimens of thermoplastic materials — Part 1:General principles, and moulding of multipurpose and bar test specimens
Plastiques — Moulage par injection des éprouvettes de inatérioux thermoplastiques — Partie 1: Principes généraux, et moulage des éprouvettes a usages multiples et des barreaux.
1) The draft angle of the runners shall be at least 10°, but not more than 300. The cavity shall have a draft angle not greater than 1°. except in the area of tensile-specimen shoulders where the draft angle shall not be greater than 2°.
g) The dimensions of the cavities shall be such that the dimensions of the test specimens produced conform to the requirements given in the relevant test standard. To allow for different degrees of moulding shrinkage, the dimensions of the cavities shall be chosen so that they are between the nominal value and the upper limit of the dimensions specified for the specimen concerned. In the case of ISO 20753 type Al and L31 moulds, the main cavity dimensions, in millimetres. shall be as follows (see ISO 20753):
1) depth: 4,0 mm to 4,2 mm;
2) width of central section: 10,0 mm to 10,2 mm;
3) length (ISO 20753 type Bi mould): 80 mm to 82 mm.
h) Ejector pins, if used, shall be located outside the test area of the specimen, i.e. at the shoulders of dumbbell specimens produced from ISO 20753 type Al and type C moulds (for type C, see ISO 294-2), outside the central 20 mm section of bar specimens from ISO 20753 type BI moulds and outside the 50-mm-diameter central area of plate specimens from ISO 20753 type D moulds (see ISO 294-3).
I) The heating/cooling system for the mould plates shall be designed so that, under operating conditions, the difference in temperature between any point on the surface of a cavity and either plate is less than 5 °C.
j) Interchangeable cavity plates and gate inserts are recommended to permit rapid changes in production from one type of test specimen to another. Such changes are facilitated by using shot capacities, V5, which are as similar as possible. An example is shown in AnnexA.
k) It is recommended that a pressure sensor be fitted in the central runner to give proper control of the injection period (the sensor is mandatory for ISO 294-4). A sensor position suitable for the various types of ISO mould is given in ISO 294-3:2002, Figure 2 and 4.1 k).
I) To ensure that cavity plates are interchangeable between different ISO moulds, it is important to note the following constructional details in addition to those shown in Figutc.s..2 and 3 and those given in ISO 294-2 and ISO 294-3:
1) It Is recommended that a cavity length of 170 mm be used for multipurpose test specimens moulded in the ISO 20753 type Al mould. This gives a maximum length of 180 mm for the space between the cavity plates.
2) The width of the mould plates may be affected by the minimum distance required between the connection points for the heating/cooling channels. ISO 294-1-2017 pdf free download.
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