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ISO 302-2015 pdf free download

ISO 302-2015 pdf free download.Pulps-Determination of Kappa number Pates-Determination de l’indice Kappa.
In order to avoid stirring problems when the Kappa number is low (i.e. five in the Kappa number range 5 to 100, and I to 2 in the Kappa number range I to 5), the amount of sample must be smaller than the amount corresponding to approximately 50 % of the total oxidation capacity of permanganate. However, the amount of sample should still correspond to at least 20 % of the total oxidation capacity of permanganate.
Disintegrate the test specimen in 300 ml of distilled water until it is free from fibre clots and from large fibre bundles. Avoid methods of disintegration which involve extensive cutting of the fibres. Rinse the disintegrator with approximately 90 ml of distilled water. If a combined disintegration and reaction beaker is used, perform the disintegration in 390 ml of distilled water.
Place the beaker in a water bath () adjusted to maintain a reaction temperature of (25,0 ± 0,2) °C during the entire reaction.
NOTE A constant temperature bath must be used in order to perform this test under standardized conditions. It Is recognized. however, that a constant temperature bath may not be available, or a constant temperature may he difficult to maintain, as may be the case for process testing, or in certain locations of a pulp and paper mill. In such cases, determine the temperature of the material in the reaction vessel at the beginning and at the end of the lO-miri reaction time, average the two values, and assume this to be the average reaction temperature throughout the test. Correct the Kappa number, using the average of the beginning and ending temperature, as shown in 9.1 and 22. However, if either of the temperatures measured during the 10-mm reaction period is below 20 °C or above 30 °C, the test must be repeated after obtaining a temperature bath or In some other way controlling the temperature within the required temperature range. If a temperature correction is used, it must be reported in Clause 10 (test report). The results must also be validated by comparison with those obtained under constant temperature and using the same type of sample, since there might be some variability in results if a temperature correction is used.
Adjust the agitator (&l) to produce a vortex approximately 25 mm deep in the reaction mixture. It is very important that the stirring is adequate.
8.3.2 Kappa number range 5 to 100
Pipette (50 ± 0,1) ml of the potassium permanganate solution (&3) and 50 ml of the sulfuric acid (5.1) into a beaker. Bring this mixture to 25 °C, quickly add the mixture to the disintegrated specimen and simultaneously start the timing device (6A). Rinse the beaker with approximately 10 ml of distilled water, and add the washings to the reaction mixture. The total volume shall be 500 ml. At the end of 10.0 mm ± 15 s, terminate the reaction by adding exactly 10 ml of the potassium iodide solution (5.2).
Immediately after mixing, but without filtering out the fibres, titrate the free iodine with he sodium thiosulfate solution (SA). Add a few drops of the starch indicator solution (5.5) toward the end of the titration. Do not add the starch until the majority of the iodine is reduced by the thiosulfate, because the starch ties up the free iodine liberated from the potassium iodide. Read off the volume, V2. to the nearest 0,1 ml, of the sodium thiosulfate (5.1) consumed at the inflection point.ISO 302-2015 pdf free download.

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