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ISO 377-2013 pdf free download

ISO 377-2013 pdf free download.Steel and steel products Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing
Acier et produits en acier — Position et preparation des échantillons et éprouvettes pour essais mécaniques.
test piece
part of a sample or rough specimen, with specified dimensions, machined or unmachined, brought to a required condition for submission to a given verification test
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 1.
Note 2 to entry: In certain cases, the test piece can be the sample or the rough specimen.
reference condition
condition of a sample, rough specimen or test piece having undergone a heat treatment to represent the intended final condition of the product
Note 1 to entry: In such cases, the sample. rough specimen or test piece is called the reference sample, reference rough specimen or reference test piece.
4 General requirements
4.1 Representative testing
Sample, rough specimens and test pieces selected in accordance with Annex A shall be considered to be representative of the product.
NOTE As a result of their production sequence, e.g. melting, casting hot or cold forming or both, heat treatment etc., steel products are not homogeneous. The mechanical properties of samples taken from other locations can be different.
4.2 Identification of sample products, samples, rough specimens and test pieces
Sample products, samples, rough specimens and test pieces shall be marked to ensure traceability to the original product and their location and orientation in that product. For this purpose, if, during the preparation of any one or more of the samples, rough specimens or test pieces, removal of the marks cannot be avoided, transfer of these marks shall be carried out before the existing marks are removed or in the case of automatic preparation equipment before the test piece is removed from the equipment. In the case of specific inspection and where requested by the purchaser, the transfer of the marks shall be carried out in the presence of the purchaser’s representative.
In the case of fully automatic in line preparation and testing systems, marking of samples, rough specimens and test pieces is not necessary if an adequate control system exists, which defines the procedures to follow in the event of system failure.ISO 377-2013 pdf free download.

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