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ISO 3807-2013 pdf free download

ISO 3807-2013 pdf free download.Gas cylinders — Acetylene cylinders— Basic requirements and type testing
Bouteilles a gaz — Bouteilles dacétylène — Exigencesfondamentales et essais de type. For a range of cylinders of different water capacities as defined in 5.2.1. the following type tests shall be carried out and successfully passed:
a) two cylinders of the largest and two cylinders of the smallest water capacity shall be subjected to the porosity test in accordance with Annex A:
b) two cylinders shall be subjected to the compressive strength test in accordance with Annex B
c) two cylinders of the largest water capacity shall be subjected to the elevated temperature test in accordance with D2 or the calculation method is applied in accordance with
d) three cylinders of the largest and three cylinders of the smallest water capacity shall be subjected to the backfire test in accordance with Annex E
e) for cylinders equipped with fusible plugs three cylinders of each nominal diameter shall be subjected to the lire test in accordance with Annex F in addition;
f) if the cylinder shell has joggle welds, three cylinders of the largest and three cylinders of the smallest water capacity shall be subjected to the test of the integrity of the porous material in the area of joggle welds in accordance with Annex.G.
5.3.3 Tests for extension of the approval
For cylinders which are identical to cylinders that have already passed prototype testing with regard to 5.2.1 c), d), e) and f) and differ only with regard to the type of material of the cylinder shell (see 5.2.1 a) and/or the construction of the cylinder shell (see 5.2.1 b), a reduced test programme may be performed in order to extend the approval as follows.
Three cylinders of the largest and three cylinders of the smallest water capacity shall be subjected to the drop procedure as specified in El. They shall then be sectioned longitudinally and inspected for damage to the porous material (e.g. excessive clearance, cracks, disintegration), lithe porous material is undamaged, no further tests according to Annex E are required. lithe porous material is damaged, a complete backfire test (see Annex E) on a further three cylinders of those water capacities that did not pass the drop test shall be carried out.
NOTE 1 Welded cylinders previously approved with joggle welds do not need a test for extension of the approval for other welded or seamless cylinders.
NOTE 2 The elevated temperature test (see Annex D) need not be carried out.
NOTE 3 The reduced test programme is not applicable to cylinders with non.monolithic porous materials.
5.4 Information to be given in the type approval document
The type approval is valid for a certain range/scope (see £2J. and Therefore, the type approval document shall indicate at least the following information:ISO 3807-2013 pdf free download.

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