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ISO 3953-2011 pdf free download

ISO 3953-2011 pdf free download.Metallic powders Determination of tap density
Poudres métal/iques — Déterminaion de Ia masse volumique aprés fassement.
This ISO 3953 specifies a method for the determination of tap density, i.e. the density of a powder that has been tapped into a container under specified conditions.
2 Principle
A specified amount of powder in a container is tapped by means of a tapping apparatus until no further decrease In the volume of the powder takes place. The mass of the powder divided by Its volume after the test gives its tap density.
3 Symbols
For the purposes of this document, the symbols in Table 1 apply.
4 Apparatus
4.1 Balance, of appropriate capacity to satisfy the requirements shown in Table 2 and of an accuracy to weigh to the nearest 0,1 g.
4.2 Graduated glass cylinder, calibrated to contain 100 cm3, the height of the graduated portion being
approximately 175 mm. The graduations shall be at 1 cm3 intervals, thus allowing a measuring accuracy of
±0,5 cm3.
Graduated glass cylinder, calibrated to contain 25 cm3, the height of the graduated portion being approximately 135 mm. The graduations shall be at 0,2 cm3 intervals.
A 25 cm3 cylinder shall be used for powders of apparent density higher than 4 g/cm3, in particular for refractory metal powders, but may also be used for powders of lower apparent density.
4.3 Tapping apparatus, which permits the tapping of the graduated cylinder against a fimi base. The tapping shall be such that a densification of the powder can take place without any loosening of Its surface .
Report the arithmetical mean of the number of determinations rounded to the nearest 0,1 g/cm3 for values up to and including 4 g/cm3. and to the nearest 0,2 g/cm3 for values greater than 4 glcm3.
8 Test report
The test report shall include the following infomiabon:
a) a reference to this International Standard, i.e. ISO 3953:2011;
b) all details necessary for identification of the test sample:
C) the drying procedure, if the powder has been dried;
d) the cylinder capacity, mass of the test portion and method used:
e) the result obtained:
f) all operations not specified in this International Standard or regarded as optional;
g) details of any occurrence which may have affected the result.ISO 3953-2011 pdf free download.

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