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ISO 4190-1-2010 pdf free download

ISO 4190-1-2010 pdf free download.Lift (Elevator) installation — Part 1:Class I, II, Ill and VI lifts
Installation d’ascenseurs — Partie 1: Ascenseurs des classes I, II, Ill et VI.
4.2.1 Plan dimensions
For the lift well plan dimensions include clear plumb to’erances (see Table 1). The dimensions h3 and d2 “ Figures 1. 2, 3 and 4 represent the minimum plumb requirement.
The architect or any person assuming such functions, in agreement with the builder, shall ensure that these tolerances are adequate for the specified dimensions of the finished work. Otherwise, additional tolerances shall be added to the lift well plan dimensions.
For the incorporation of lifts in the building, the well shall have a certain free volume enclosed by a rectangular parallelepiped inscribed in the well, with vertical edges and bases formed by the bottom of the pit and the ceiling of the well.
When a counterweight safety gear is required, the depths or the widths defined should be increased by up to 200 mm depending on the location of the counterweight. Dimensional tolerances General
The architect or any person assuming such functions, in agreement with the builder, should either ensure that the well dimensions are sufficient fcw the lift to be installed, or add additional tolerances to the nominal size dimensions for the well. Well dimensions
Lifts have to move vertically through a building and the car and landing door equipment have to interconnect, therefore the plumbness of the well and the alignment of the landing openings are of paramount importance. The well shall not be built to the usually applied construction industry practices, which allow deviations from the nominal sizes as both increased and decreased dimensions. It is also important to ensure that the well is built to a high degree of verticality, i.e. plumb. Decreased dimensions are thus not acceptable to the lift industry and allowances shall be made by the architect, builder or structural engineer to accommodate the high degree of verticality needed. Failure to do so can result in significant reworking and serious delays.
The purchaser’s representative, in conjunction with the builder, should ensure that the minimum clear plumb sizes specified by the lift contractor are included in the building design and are obtained in the finished work.
The purchaser’s representative, in conjunction with the builder, should ensure that dimensions in excess of the recommended minimum plumb dimensions for wells and openings do not exceed the maximum values shown in Table 1, beyond which changes in design can be necessary.
The purchaser’s representative should take into account the constructional tolerances appropriate to any particular building technique, when specifying the well structural dimensions to meet the lift contractor’s dimensional requirements.ISO 4190-1-2010 pdf free download.

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