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ISO 4305-2014 pdf free download
ISO 4305-2014 pdf free download.Mobile cranes – Determination of stabilitv Grues mobiles – Determination de la stabilite. Crawler-mounted cranes — With boom structure removed
The total load on the tipping line on the side or end of the undercarriage supporting the least load shall not be less than 5% of the total mass of the crane. lithe above-mentioned criterion is not met for crawler cranes operating with retracted crawlers, the manufacturer shall state this in the crane cautionary information visible to the operator.
4.3.3 Wheel-mounted cranes — Shortest boom at minimum radius Wheel-mounted cranes — General
With the longitudinal axis of the rotating superstructure of the crane at 900 to the longitudinal axis of the carrier, the total load on the wheels (tyres) or outriggers on the side of the carrier under the boom shall be not less than 15 % of the total mass of the crane.
With the longitudinal axis of the rotating superstructure of the crane in line with the longitudinal axis of the carrier, in either direction, the total load on the wheels (tyres) or outriggers under the lighter loaded end of the carrier shall be not less than 15 % of the total mass of the crane in the work area specified by the manufacturer, and not less than 10 % of the total mass of the crane in the area not specified as a work area. The on-wheels (tyres) limitations shall be met unless cautionary information visible to the operator is placed on the crane. This information shall state the operating conditions that require the outriggers to be set to maintain sufficient backward stability. Wheel-mounted cranes — With boom structure removed
With the longitudinal axis of the rotating superstructure of the crane at 900 to the longitudinal axis of the carrier, the total load on all wheels (tyres) or outriggers on the side of the carrier supporting the least load shall he not less than 5% of the total mass of the crane. With the longitudinal axis of the rotating superstructure of the crane in line with the longitudinal axis of the carrier, in either direction, the total load on the wheels (tyres) or outriggers under the lighter loaded end of the carrier shall be not less than 5 % of the total mass of the crane In the work area specified by the manufacturer, and not less than 5 % of the total mass of the crane in the area not specified as a work area. The on-wheels (tyres) limitations shall be met unless cautionary information visible to the operator is placed on the crane. This information shall state the operating conditions that require the outriggers to be set to maintain sufficient backward stability.
4.4 Stability with out-of-service wind
The manufacturer shall stipulate the special precautions to be taken by the user when the crane is out of service and the working limits when subjected to wind. (Wind load is specified in ISO 4302.)ISO 4305-2014 pdf free download.
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