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ISO 4347-2015 pdf free download

ISO 4347-2015 pdf free download.Leaf chains, devises and sheaves — Dimensions, measuring forces, tensile strengths and dynamic strengths
Chaines de levage a inaillesfointives, chapes etgalets de renvoi — Diinensions,forces de inesu rage, forces de resistances a la traction et forces de resistances dynamique.
3.4.1 General
WARNING — The test requirements are not to be taken as working loads.
Certain standards, covering one particular type of machine, could contain specific static and dynamic stress limits. Those stress limits were established by the developers of the subject standards based upon long experience in the design and use of the particular type of machinery. The developers of the subject standards are solely responsible for the stress limitation factor.
The test results shall be invalid if the chain has previously been in service or stressed in any way (other than by preloading in accordance with 1).
The tensile test shall be considered as a destructive test. Even though a chain may not visibly fail when subjected to a force equivalent to the minimum tensile strength, it will have been stressed beyond the yield point and will be unfit for service.
3.4.2 Mininiuin tensile strength
The minimum tensile strength shall be that value exceeded when a tensile force is applied to a sample tested to destruction in accordance with 14.3.
NOTE The minimum tensile strength is not a working force. It is intended primarily as a comparative ligure bet’een chains of ditfereni construction. For application inforniation, it is necessary to consult the manufacturers or their published data.
3.4.3 Application of tensile force
Slowly apply a tensile force of not less than the minimum tensile strength F specified in Tabk.1 and Jjl for that particular chain number to the ends of a chain length containing at least five free pitches by means of fixtures permitting free movement on both sides of the chain centreline, in the normal plane of articulation,
Failure shall be considered to have occurred at the first point where increasing extension is no longer accompanied by increasing force, i.e. the summit of the force/extension diagram.
Tests in which failures occur adjacent to the fixtures shall be disregarded.
3.4.4 Dynamic testing
Chains in conformance with this International Standard shall survive a conformance test, following the specifications of ISO 15654, using the dynamic strength values given in Table 1 and Table 2 for the particular chain. These requirements do not apply to connecting links, as their dynamic strength could be reduced. The methods used for calculating the minimum dynamic strength are given in Annex A. The method for determining the maximum test force for the conformance test is given in Annex B.ISO 4347-2015 pdf free download.

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