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ISO 4414-2010 pdf free download

ISO 4414-2010 pdf free download.Pneumatic fluid power General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components
Transmissions pneumatiques — ROgles génerales et exigences de sécurité pour les systèmes et leurs composants.
5.1 General
5.1.1 When designing pneumatic systems for machinery, all intended operations and use of systems shall be considered. Risk assessment. e.g. in accordance with ISO 14121-1, shall be carried out to determine the foreseeable risks associated with systems when they are used as intended. Reasonably foreseeable misuse shall not cause hazards. The risks identified shall be eliminated by design and, where this is not practicable, safeguards (first preference) or warnings (second preference) against such risks shall be incorporated, in accordance with the hierarchy established in ISO 12100.
NOTE This International Standard provides requirements for components of fluid power systems; some of these requirements are dependent on the hazards associated with the machine in which the system is installed. Therefore, the final specificaton and construction of the pneumatic system could need to be based on risk assessment and agreement between purchaser and supplier.
5.1.2 The control systems shall be designed in accordance with the risk assessment. This requirement is met when ISO 13849-1 is used.
5.1.3 The prevention of damage to the machine, systems and the environment shall be considered.
5.1.4 Deviations from this International Standard shall be agreed to in writing between the purchaser and supplier. Attention should be drawn by the purchaser and/or the supplier to applicable national and local codes or laws.
5.2 Basic requirements for the design and specification of pneumatic systems
5.2.1 Component selection All components and piping in the system shall be selected or specified to provide for safety in use, and they shall operate within their rated limits when the system is put to its intended use. Components and piping shall be selected or specified so as to ensure that they can operate reliably under all intended uses of the system. Particular attention shall be paid to the reliability of components and piping that can create a hazard in the event of their failure or malfunction. Components and piping shall be selected, applied and installed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. It is recommended that wherever practicable, components and piping made in accordance with recognized International Standards should be used.
5.2.2 UnIntended pressures All related parts of the system shall be designed or otherwise protected against foreseeable pressures exceeding the maximum working pressure of the system or the rated pressure of any part of the system if the excessive pressure can cause a hazard.ISO 4414-2010 pdf free download.

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