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ISO 4650-2012 pdf free download

ISO 4650-2012 pdf free download.Rubber — Identification — Infrared spectrometric methods
Caoutchouc — Identification — Méth odes spectrométriques dans l’infrarouge.
7.1.4 Films of raw rubber of a suitable thickness may also be obtained by moulding.
7.1.5 Record the spectrum from 4 000 cm-1 to 600 cm-1 using the infrared spectrometer (6.8).
7.1.6 After recording the spectrum, verity that no solvent absorption bands are present and check that the bands of the spectrum are neither off-scale nor too low. If these conditions are not met, repeat the preparation procedure on a fresh test sample and record a new spectrum.
7.1.7 A test for halogens may be carried out as described in
7.2 Procedure for raw rubbers, vulcanizates and films obtained from pyrolysate
NOTE The methods described in 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 may give different relative absorbances for the polymers in a given blend.
7.2.1 Preferred method: Temperature-controlled pyrolysis in a stream of nitrogen Extract a 2 g to 5 g test sample in accordance with the procedure given in ISO 1407. Depending on the nature of the composition of the unknown vulcanizate and of the type of apparatus used, place 0,5 g to 2 g of the extracted, dried test sample in the pyrolysis tube A (see Figure 1). Introduce a small quantity of sodium sulfate in the collector tube C to absorb water formed in the pyrolysis. Carry out a test for halogen, for instance by placing a strip of moistened indicator paper (5.5) across the mouth of the collecting tube. An acid colour, pH 1 to pH 2, indicates the presence of halogen. Residues of halogenated additives present in the vulcanizate may cause interference. Other suitable halogen-detection methods may also be used. Bring the electric furnace D to 525 °C ± 50 °C and hold within this temperature range. This temperature range Is recommended to obtain rapid pyrolysis without excessive degradation or carbonization. A temperature of 475°C is advised, however, to obtain the maximum quantity of pyrolysate for NR, IR, BR, SBR, IlR, BIIR and CuR. After substituting the pyrolysis tube A containing prepared sample inside with nitrogen (5.1), pass a slow stream of nitrogen through the tube and into a hole in the aluminium block E. Nitrogen serves to displace air, prevent oxidation and facilitate transfer of the pyrolysis products into the collecting tube C. Maintain the nitrogen flow at 10 cm3/min ± 2 cm3/min.ISO 4650-2012 pdf free download.

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