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ISO 4689-3-2015 pdf free download

ISO 4689-3-2015 pdf free download.Iron ores — Determination of sulfur content — Part 3:Combustion/infrared method
Minerals defer — Dosage du soufre — Partie 3: Méthode par combustion et infrarouqe.
6.2 Preparation of predried test samples
Thoroughly mix the laboratory sample and, taking multiple increments, extract a test sample in such a manner that It is representative of the entire contents of the container. Dry the test sample at 105 °C ± 2 °C as specified in Iso 7764. This is the predried test sample.
7 Procedure
7.1 Number of determinations
Carry out the analysis at least in duplicate in accordance with Annex A. independently, on one predried test sample.
NOTE The expression independently means that the second and any subsequent result is not affected by the previous result(s). For this particular analytical method, this condition implies that the repetition of the procedure is carried out either by the same operator at a different time or by a different operator, including in either case, appropriate recalibrat ion.
7.2 Test portion
Taking several increments, weigh to the nearest 0.000 2 g. approximately 0.5 g of the predried test sample obtained in accordance with 2. For samples containing in excess of 01 % (mass fraction), sulfur should be taken.
The test portion should be taken and weighed quickly to avoid reabsorption of moisture.
7.3 Blank test and check test
In each run, one blank test and one analysis of a certified reference material of the same type of ore shall be carried out in parallel with the analysis of the ore sample(s) under the same conditions. A predried test sample of the certified reference material shall be prepared as specified in
The certified reference material should be of the same type as the sample to be analysed and the properties of the two materials should be sufficiently similar to ensure that in either case no significant changes in the analytical procedure will become necessary.
Where the analysis is carried out on several samples at the same time, the blank value may be represented by one test, provided that the procedure is the same and the reagents are from the same reagent bottles.
Where the analysis is carried out on several samples of the same type of ore at the same time, the analytical value of one certified reference material may be used.ISO 4689-3-2015 pdf free download.

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