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ISO 5072-2013 pdf free download

ISO 5072-2013 pdf free download.Brown coals and lignites — Determination of true relative density and apparent relative density
Charbons bruns et lignites — Determination de Ia densité relative vraie et de Ia densité relative apparente.
4.5.1 Calibration of the mass of the pycnometer(s)
Pipette 10 ml of wetting agent (42.2) into the pycnometer(s) (4,3.9). Pipette 10 ml of water (42.1) into the pycnometer(s). Swirl to mix the solution. Place the pycnonleter(s) in the vacuum desiccator (4.3.10) and evacuate to 0 Pa to 500 Pa for 15 mm. Release the vacuum and fill the pycnometers with water (42J) using a glass syringe (4.31i) to 3 mm from the top of the neck.
Place the pycnometer(s) in a water bath (4,3.12) thermostatically controlled at 25 °C ± 0,1 °C. Allow to equilibrate for at least 1 h 45 mm. Top up the pycnometer(s) to the meniscus using a glass syringe without removing them from the water bath. Leave the pycnometers in the water bath for a further 5 mm.
Remove the pycnometer(s) from the water bath and insert the capillary-bored stopper(s) such that no air is trapped in the pycnometer(s). Wipe the outside of the pycnometer(s) gently using filter paper (4.3.3) to remove excess water. Polish the pycnometer(s using fibre-free glass cloth 41) to remove any visible film. Touch the pycnometer(s) to the earthing point (4.31). Weigh the pycnometer(s) and record the rnass(es) to the nearest 0,1 mg.
The mean of three replicate determinations of the mass of each pycnometer which fall within the range of 1 mg is taken as the calibration mass of the pycnometer.
4.5.2 Determination of true relative density
Weigh 2 g ± 0,1 g of sample, to the nearest 0,1 mg, Into a weighing boat (4.3.13). Transfer the sample to a pycnometcr using a funnel (4.14) and a camel hair brush (4.3.2). Ensure that no material is lost during the transfer.
Pipette 10 ml of wetting agent (4.22) into the pycnometer allowing the wetting agent to run down the inner surface of the pycnometer. Pipette 10 ml of water (4..2J.) into the pycnorneter, allowing the water to run down the inner surface of the pycnometer. Swirl gently to wet the sample with the minimum production of bubbles. Place the pycnometer in the vacuum desiccator and evacuate to 0 Pa to 500 Pa for 15 mm. To ensure that no sample containing froth is expelled from the pycnometer, regulate the vacuum supply to remove any froth produced below the neck of the pycnometer. Release the vacuum and fill the pycnometer with water (42.1) to 3 mm from the top of the neck using a glass syringe.
Place the pycnometer in a water bath thermostatically controlled at 25 °C ± 0,1 °C. Allow to equilibrate for at least 1 h 45 mm. Top up the pycnometer to the meniscus using a glass syringe, without removing from the water bath. Leave the pycnometer in the water bath for a further 5 mm.ISO 5072-2013 pdf free download.

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