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ISO 5131-2015 pdf free download

ISO 5131-2015 pdf free download.Tractors for agriculture and forestry — Measurement of noise at the operator’s position — Survey method
Tracteurs agricoles etJörestiers — Mesurage du bruit au poste de conduite de l’opérciteur — Méthode de contrôle.
6.1.1 Measurements shall be made in a sufficiently silent, flat, and open zone. The last 20 m next to the test zone shall be essentially level and there shall be no obstacle in this area likely to reflect significant sound, such as a building solid fence, tree or other machine.
6.1.2 The surface of the test zone shall be of a kind where pneumatic tyres or endless rubber tracks do not cause excessive noise. It shall be made of concrete, asphalt or a similar material unless otherwise specified. The surface shall be as clean and dry as possible (e.g. free of gravel, leaves, snow, etc.).
6,1.3 For endless metal tracks, the surface of the test zone shall be of a kind where they do not cause excessive noise. In this case, It shall be a layer of humid sand as specified by ISO 6395:2008, 5.3.2.
6.2 Ambient conditions
6.2.1 Measurements shall be made in fine weather with little or no wind. The level of background noise and the level of wind noise at the microphone Location shall be at least 10 dB(A) below the noise level measured during the test. Any extraneous noise that occurs while obtaining data, which is not connected to general sound level measurement, shall not he taken into consideration.
6.2.2 No corrections shall be made to the test results for the atmospheric conditions or other factors. Atmospheric pressure shall not be less than 96.6 kPa. If this is not possible because of conditions of altitude, a modified injection pump setting may have to be used, details of which will be included in the report.
6.3 Operator
6.3.1 No person other than the operator of the tractor shall be in the cab during measurements. However, when the noise is being measured at additional operator positions on the machine, the usual number of operators shall be present. No person other than the operator(s) shall be in a position to inFluence the noise measurements.
6.3.2 The operator shall not wear abnormally thick clothing or any additional attire, such as a hat or scarf, which could influence the sound measurement.
7 Condition of tractor
7.1 Selection
7.1.1 In the case of a third party performing the assessment, the manufacturer and the third party shall work together to select a tractor to be submitted for testing.ISO 5131-2015 pdf free download.

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