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ISO 527-1-2012 pdf free download

ISO 527-1-2012 pdf free download.Plastics Determination of tensile properties Part 1:General principles
Plastiques — Determination des propriétés en traction — Partie 1: Principes généraux.
8 Conditioning
The test specimen shall be conditioned as specified in the appropriate standard for the material concerned. In the absence of this information, the most appropriate set of conditions from ISO 291 shall be selected and the conditioning time is at least 16 h, unless otherwise agreed upon by the interested parties, for example, for testing at elevated or low temperatures.
The preferred atmosphere is (23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 10) % RH.. except when the properties of the material are known to be insensitive to moisture, in which case humidity control is unnecessary.
9 Procedure
9.1 Test atmosphere
Conduct the test in the same atmosphere used for conditioning the test specimen, unless otherwise agreed upon by the interested parties, for example, for testing at elevated or low temperatures.
9.2 Dimensions of test specimen
Determine the dimensions of the test specimens in accordance with ISO 16012 or ISO 23529. as applicable.
Record the minimum and maximum values for width and thickness of each specimen at the centre of the specimen and within 5 mm of each end of the gauge length, and make sure that they are within the tolerances indicated in the standard applicable for the given material. Use the means of the measured widths and thicknesses to calculate the cross-section of the test specimen.
For injection-moulded test specimens, it is sufficient to determine the width and thickness within 5 mm of the centre of the specimen.
In the case of injection-moulded specimens, it is not necessary to measure the dimensions of each specimen. It is sufficient to measure one specimen from each lot to make sure that the dimensions correspond to the specimen type selected (see the relevant part of ISO 527). With multiple-cavity moulds, ensure that the dimensions of the specimens do not differ by more than ±0,25 % between cavities.
For test specimens cut from sheet or film material, ills permissible to assume that the mean width of the central parallel portion of the die is equivalent to the corresponding width of the specimen. The adoption of such a procedure should be based on comparative measurements taken at periodic intervals.
For the purposes of this part of ISO 527, the test specimen dimensions used for calculating tensile properties are measured at ambient temperature only. For the measurement of properties at other temperatures, therefore, the effects of thermal expansion are not taken into account.ISO 527-1-2012 pdf free download.

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