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ISO 544-2017 pdf free download

ISO 544-2017 pdf free download.Welding consumables Technical delivery conditions for filler materials and fluxes Type of product, dimensions, tolerances and markings
Produits consommables pour Ic soudage — Conditions techniques de Iivraison des produits d’apport et des flux — Type de produits, dimensions, tolerances et marquage.
5.4 Fluxes
The flux shall be granular and so constituted that it can be conveyed freely by the flux feed system. The particle size distribution shall be uniform and consistent in the different packaging units. The fluxes may be obtainable En different particle size distributions (see ISO 14174).
6 Rounding procedure
Actual test values obtained shall be subject to ISO 80000-1:2009, B.3, Rule A. If the measured values are obtained by equipment calibrated in units other than those of this document, the measured values shall be converted to the units of this document before rounding. han average value is to be compared to the requirements of this document, rounding shall be done only after calculating the average. The rounded results shall fulfil the requirements of the appropriate table for the classification under test.
7 Condition of welding consumables
7.1 Covered electrodes
The electrode covering shall be concentric and consistent along the electrode length in order to avoid asymmetrical melting-off of the covering during welding. The electrode covering shall not exhibit any irregularities, cracks or other surface defects which would adversely affect the welding operation. The coating shall firmly adhere to the core wire and shall not break off during proper handling and usage.
The gnp end of the electrode shall be free from covering material over a length of at least 15 mm. NOTE The striking end can include arc ignition enhancing material.
7.2 Wires, rods, and strips
The surface of the welding consumable shall be free from contamination and surface defects that can adversely affect welding. Any surface finish is allowed, provided that the welding operation and the properties of the weld metal are not adversely affected.
All cored products shall have the core ingredients distributed uniformly throughout their length such that the performance of the products, the chemical composition and the properties of the deposited weld metal are not adversely affected.
Wires and strips can be delivered in coils or wound on spools in accordance with Figure 1 and TibeA. Wires and strips shall not exhibit kinks, waves, sharp bends or other irregularities that could interfere with continuous feeding. The beginning and end of the wire, spooled in one length, shall be secured.
Welding consumables on coils without formers shall be tied in at least three places spaced approximately equally around the circumference of the coil.ISO 544-2017 pdf free download.

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