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ISO 55002-2014 pdf free download

ISO 55002-2014 pdf free download.Asset management — Management systems — Guidelines for the application of ISO 55001
Gestion d’actifs — Systèmes de management — Lignes directrices relatives a l’application de l’lSO 55001.
Understanding how asset-related decisions are made is an important part of asset management. The criteria for decision makingare influenced by the needs of external and internal stakeholders, by the asset management policy and by the risk attitude of the organization. The external and internal stakeholders’ input to establishing decision-making criteria is important for setting priorities and resolving conflicting requirements. Decision-making criteria should be appropriate to the importance and complexity of the decisions being made. Decision-making criteria should be used to evaluate competing options to meet asset management objectives and develop asset management plans. The criteria can be expressed in a number of ways, to support quantitative, semi-quantitative or qualitative decisions. The processes to establish the decision-making criteria that guide asset management should be clear and documented.
The level of detail needed when reporting to stakeholders will vary from one stakeholder to another, depending on the scope of the organization’s activities and on the complexity of the assets being managed. The detail should only disclose proprietary information as appropriate for the stakeholders receiving the information.
Stakeholders generally need to be informed about the decisions that can affect them and might need to provide input into decisions that can have an impact on them. Failure to both communicate and consult in an appropriate way about asset management activities can in itself constitute a risk, because it could later prevent an organization from fulfilling its objectives.
It is important that the terminology used in communicating with stakeholders Is consistent and aligned with other functions in the organization, and in accordance with legal requirements, where applicable. This is particularly necessary when communicating financial information.
4.3 DetermIning the scope of the asset management system
Based on the outcomes of reviews of its context and stakeholders (see 41 and 42), the organization should define (or review) the boundaries of the asset management system, and establish its scope.
The boundaries and applicability of the asset management system should be captured in a statement of scope (which may be included in the SAMP). It should be communicated to all relevant stakeholders. both internal and external to the organization. The detail will be influenced by the size of the organization and the scale and complexity of the asset portfolio covered by the asset management system. It should clearly show what is considered inside and outside scope.
The scope should consider:
a) the assets, asset portfolio(s, their boundaries and interdependencies;
b) which other organizations are involved in meeting the organization’s asset management system requirements (including the requirements of ISO 55001), e.g. through the outsourcing of asset management activities or activities related to life cycle stages;
c) the organizational aspects, e.g. which parts or functions of the organization are involved;ISO 55002-2014 pdf free download.

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