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ISO 5603-2011 pdf free download

ISO 5603-2011 pdf free download.Rubber, vulcanized Determination of adhesion to wire cord
Caoutchouc vulcanisé — Determination de I’adhérence a un cable métallique.
4.1 Wire cord, conforming to the specification of the bonding system to be investigated. If no specification
is given, brass-plated steel cord of construction (1 x 3 x 0,15) mm + (6 x 0.27) mm or of construction
(7 x 4 x 0,22) mm shall be used.
NOTE The sizes of the cords are defined here in terms of their diameter and the number of component wires, starting from the centre core of the cord.
For quality control of cord, it shall be tested in the condition received, i.e. neither cleaned nor dried.
It is essential that the wire cord be stored in a dry atmosphere to prevent any surface deterioration. Storage can conveniently be carried out in an airtight container which also contains a desiccating material (for example silica, Si02). The container shall only be opened when removing wire cord and shall then be closed immediately. It is also essential that the cord not be contaminated with dust from the desiccating material.
4.2 Unvulcanized rubber compound, conforming to the specification of the bonding system to be investigated. Whenever possible, the rubber shall be freshly milled. If for any reason the rubber cannot be remilled, the surface shall be freshened by wiping with a solvent and allowed to dry. The preferred solvent is heptane, but a suitable alternative could be a petroleum solvent with a distillation range of about 65 C to 125 DC; these solvents shall possess a maximum residue on evaporation of 3 mg per 100 cm3 of solvent. The compound shall be stored at a standard laboratory temperature of (23 ± 2) DC or (27 ± 2) °C prior to use. It can be in the form of calendered sheet of suitable thickness and shall be protected by a dark-coloured polyethylene film.
4.3 Reinforcement material, to stiffen the rubber block. This applies only to method 1. The reinforcement can either be a sheet metal strip treated with adhesive promoter (when the thickness r is at least 0,5 mm) or a strip of rigid rubberized steel cord fabric. A suitable fabric is one containing steel cords of high bending stiffness, for example one of construction (1 x 3 x 0,30) mm + (6 x 0,38) mm [when the thickness t is (2,5 ± 0,1) mm maximum].
5 Apparatus
5.1 Mould, capable of producing a test piece in which a multiplicity of cords is embedded equally spaced along its length. Different rnoulds are employed for the two methods.
a) Method I
The mould is of a semi-follow-on type to obtain maximum consolidation of rubber around the cord during the pressing stage, but thereafter becomes a fixed-cavity mould.
One suitable mould designed to accommodate steel cord fabric reinforcement is shown in Figure 1. This mould produces test pieces of length 310 mm containing 21 cords, but similar moulds employing other numbers of cords greater that nine are acceptable. The mould dimension x will depend on the embedded length of test piece required (which is governed by the diameter of wire cord used, see 7.2). The mould shall be provided with pairs of inserts or spacers to obtain the different lengths of cord embedment.ISO 5603-2011 pdf free download.

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