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ISO 562-2010 pdf free download
ISO 562-2010 pdf free download.Hard coal and coke Determination of volatile matter
Houlile et coke — Determination des mat lOres volat lies.
The sample shall be well mixed and in moisture equilibrium with the laboratory atmosphere.
A test portion from the same test sample is separated for determination of moisture in parallel with the
determination of volatile matter.
7 Procedure
7.1 Furnace temperature checking
Adjust the temperature of the zone in the furnace (5.1), containing either a stand with one crucible and lid [Figure 3 a)) or a stand with the requisite number of crucibles and lids (Figure 3 b)). to 900 °C ± 5 °C as indicated by the correctly located thermocouple (5.2). Check that the temperature under each crucible, at the same height, lies within the temperature tolerance of the uniform zone.
Temperature checking should be made before starting determinations. However, in routine operation when several analyses are performed per day, a monthly temperature check is sufficient. The check of the temperature recovery criterion (5.1) should be dealt with in a similar way.
7.2 Volatile matter determination
Fill either a stand with one empty crucible and lid [Figure 3 a)) or a stand with the requisite number of empty crucibles and lids (Figure 3 b)J and insert In the oven. Maintain at 900 °C ± 5 °C for 7 mm. Remove the crucible(s) from the furnace and allow to cool to room temperature on a thick metal plate.
As soon as they are cool, weigh each empty crucible and lid and weigh into each crucible, to the nearest 0,1 mg, 1 g ± 0.1 g of test sample. Replace the lid and tap each crucible on a clean hard surface until the test portion forms a layer of even thickness on the bottom of the crucible. If the sample is coke, remove the lid of the charged crucible, add 2 drops to 4 drops of cyclohexane (4.1) and replace the lid.
NOTE 1 The addition of cydohexane prevents the oxidation of the coke but does not prevent adsorption of gases, e.g. nitrogen
Place the charged crucible(s) in a cold stand, transfer to the furnace, close the door and leave for 7 mm ± 5 S. If multiple determinations are being made, any vacant places in the stand should be filled with empty crucibles.
Remove and allow to cool to room temperature. When cool, weigh the crucible(s) to the nearest 0,1 mg in the same manner as for the empty crucible(s).
NOTE 2 The same treatment of the crucible before and alter the determination minimizes the effect of any film of water adsorbed on its surface, while the rapid cooling reduces absorption of moisture by the coal or coke residue.ISO 562-2010 pdf free download.
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