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ISO 630-1-2011 pdf free download

ISO 630-1-2011 pdf free download.Structural steels — Part 1:General technical delivery conditions for hot-rolled products
Aciers de construction — Partie 1: Conditions genérales techniques de livraison pour les produits laminés a chaud.
6.4.1 General
Under the inspection and testing conditions specified in Clauses 7. 8 and 9, arid in the delivery condition as specified in 6.2. mechanical properties shall comply with the relevant requirements given in the individual parts of ISO 630. Agreement shall be reached, where appropriate, at the time of enquiry and order about the mechanical properties to be adhered to after additional heat treatment such as stress relief [see option 5.2 d)].
6.4.2 Impact properties
Impact properties shall comply with the requirements of the individual parts of ISO 630. If specified, the products over 12 mm in thickness shall be tested with a full-size test piece in accordance with 9.3. If agreed upon at the time of enquiry and order, sub-sized test pieces shall be used In the case of nominal product thicknesses of 6  :  12 mm. Impact tests shall not be required for nominal thickness i < 6 mm. Fo sections, thIckness refers to the part thickness where test pieces are prepared as specified In ISO 377.
6.4.3 Through-thIckness characteristics
By agreement, products of the grades and qualities specified in the individual parts of ISO 630 shall comply with one of the improved deformation properties perpendicular to the surface of the product as specified in ISO 7778.
6.5 Surface condition
The surface properties shall be in accordance with ISO 7788 for plates and wide flats, ISO 20723 for sections and ISO 9443 for bars. Other surface-condition standards may be used if agreed upon at the time of enquiry and order.
6.6 Internal soundness
By agreement, ultrasonic requirements together with the conditions of their verification shall be specified. See 9,5.
6.7 Dimensions, tolerances on dimensions and shape, and mass
6.7.1 Dimensions, and tolerances on dimensions and shape
The nominal dimensions and tolerances on dimensions for the products shall be agreed upon at the time of enquiry and order, with reference to the dimensional standards listed below:
a) for hot-rolled flat products, see ISO 7452 for plates and ISO 9034 for wide flats;
b) for hot-rolled long products, see ISO 657-1, ISO 657-2, ISO 657-5. ISO 657-11. ISO 657-15, ISO 657-16, ISO 657-19 and ISO 657-21 for sections, or ISO 1035-1 to ISO 1035-4 for bars.ISO 630-1-2011 pdf free download.

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