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ISO 6316-2012 pdf free download

ISO 6316-2012 pdf free download.Hot-rolled steel strip of structural quality Feuillards laminés a chaud en acier de construction.
5.5 Application
Hot-rolled steel strip should be identified for fabrication by the name of the part or by the intended application, which shall be compatible with the grade and class specified.
5.6 Mechanical properties
At the time that the steel Is made available for shipment, the mechanical properties shall be as stated in
Table 4. when they are determined on test pieces obtained in accordance with the requirements of Clause 6.
5.7 Surface condition
Oxide or scale on hot-rolled steel strip is subject to variations in thickness, adherence and colour. Removal of the oxide or scale by pickling or blast cleaning may disclose surface imperfections not readily visible prior to this operation. Also, after drawing, imperfections may be visible which were not apparent in the flat strip.
5.8 Oiling
As a deterrent to rusting, a coating of oil may be applied to the product. Any oil shall not be intended as a drawing or forming lubricant and shall be easily removed using degreasing chemicals. On request, the manufacturer shall advise the purchaser which type of oil has been used. The product may be ordered not oiled, if required, in which case the supplier shall have limited responsibility if oxidation occurs.
6 Dimensional and shape tolerances
Dimensional and shape tolerances applicable to hot-rolled steel strip of structural quality shall be as given in Table 5 and Tables 7 to 10 inclusive.
Restrictive thickness tolerances are given in Table 6.
It has not been found practicable to formulate flatness and out-of-square tolerances for hot-rolled steel strip.
7 Sampling
One representative sample for the tensile test required in Table 4 shall be taken from each lot of strip for shipment. A lot consists of 50 t or less of strip of the same grade and class, rolled to the same thickness and condition.
8 Test methods
8.1 Tensile test
The tensile test shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 6892-1. Longitudinal test pieces shall be taken at the 1/4 point (halfway between the edge and mid-width).
8.2 Impact test
While not usually specified, if so agreed at the time of ordering, impact tests may be specified for material over 6 mm in thickness. The test piece shall be in the longitudinal direction and the test shall be a Charpy V-notch test carried out in accordance with ISO 148-1.
9 Retests
9.1 Machining and flaws
If any test piece shows defective machining or develops flaws, it shall be discarded and another test piece substituted.
9.2 Elongation
lithe percentage elongation of any test piece is less than that specified in Table 4, or if any part of the fracture is outside the middle half of the gauge length as scribed before the test, the test shall be discarded and a retest shall be carried out.ISO 6316-2012 pdf free download.

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