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ISO 6731-2010 pdf free download

ISO 6731-2010 pdf free download.Milk, cream and evaporated milk Determination of total solids content (Reference method)
Lait, crème et lait concentré non sucré — Détermina (ion de Ia matière sèche (Méthode de référence).
Sampling is not part of the method specified in this International Standard. A recommended sampling method is given In ISO 707 IDF 50t’J.
It is important the laboratory receive a truly representative sample which has not been damaged or changed during transport or storage.
6 Preparation of the test sample
6.1 Milk
Bring the sample to a temperature of 20 °C to 25 DC. Mix thoroughly to ensure a homogeneous distribution of the fat throughout the sample. Avoid agitating so vigorously as to cause frothing of the milk or churning of the fat. If it is found difficult to disperse the cream layer, warm slowly to 35 °C to 40 DC on a water bath (4.6.1) with careful mixing and incorporate any cream adhering to the container. Cool the sample quickly to 20 °C to
25 C
If desired, a homogenizer may be used to assist the dispersion of the fat.
NOTE Correct results cannot be expected if the sample contains separated liquid fat or separate visible irregularly
shaped white particles adhering to the walls of the container.
6.2 Cream
Warm the sample slowly to a temperature of 35 °C to 40 °C on a water bath (4.6.1). Mix or stir the cream thoroughly but not so vigorously as to cause frothing or churning. Cool the sample quickly to 20 °C to 25 DC In order to reduce the evaporation of water to a minimum during mixing, the container should be uncovered for as short a time as possible.
NOTE Correct results cannot be expected if adequate mixing of the sample is not achieved or if the sample shows any evidence of churning or any other signs of abnormality.
6.3 Evaporated milk
Shake the container thoroughly with frequent inversion. Open this container and pour the milk slowly into another container made of glass or other suitable material. provided with an airtight lid, taking care to incorporate in the sample any fat or other constituents adhering to the walls of the original container. Stir vigorously and close the container.
Heat the closed container in a water bath (46.2) at 40 DC to 60 D Remove and shake the container vigorously every 15 mm. After 2 h, remove the container and cool to 20 °C to 25 °C. Remove the lid and mix thoroughly by stirring the milk with a spoon or spatula.ISO 6731-2010 pdf free download.

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