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ISO 6892-2-2011 pdf free download

ISO 6892-2-2011 pdf free download.Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Part 2:Method of test at elevated temperature
MatOrlaux mOtalliques — Essal de traction — Partie 2: MOthode d’essai a tern pérature élevée.
Recommended: crosshead control.
If the purpose of the tensile test is only to determine the tensile strength, then an estimated strain rate over the
parallel length of the test piece according to range 3 may be applied throughout the entire test.
10.4 Method of testing with expanded strain rate ranges (Method B)
10.4.1 General
This method is based on conventional strain rate ranges.
It should be taken into consideration that strain rate sensitivity of metals might be higher at elevated temperature than at room temperature. The test rate, even within the specified range, can influence the values of the properties to be determined.
10.4.2 Rate for the determination of yield strength or proof strength properties
This deals with upper and lower yield strengths and proof strength non-proportional extension.
The strain rate of the parallel length of the test piece, from the beginning of the test to the yield strength, shall be between 0,000 016 7 s1 and 0,000 083 3 s1 (0,001 mm-1 and 0,005 min).
When a test system is incapable of displaying strain rate, the stress rate shall be set so that a strain rate less than 0,000 05 s (0.003 min) is maintained throughout the elastic range. In no case shall the stress rate in the elastic range exceed 5 MPa s1 (300 MPa mm 1).
10.4.3 Rate for the determination of tensile strength
If only the tensile strength is to be determined, the strain rate shall be between 0,000 33 s- and 0.003 3 s’ (0,02 min1 and 0,20 min1).
If a yield strength is also determined on the same test, the change of the test rate required in 10.4.2 to the rate defined above shall be smooth and avoid any overshoot (see ISO 6892-1:2009, Figure 10).
10.5 Choice of the method and rates
Unless otherwise agreed, the choice of method (A or B) and test rates are at the discretion of the producer or the test Laboratory assigned by the producer, provided that these meet the requirements of this part of
ISO 6892.ISO 6892-2-2011 pdf free download.

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