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ISO 717-2-2013 pdf free download

ISO 717-2-2013 pdf free download.Acoustics Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements
Part 2:Impact sound insulation
Acoustique — Evaluation de I’isolement acoustique des immeubles et des éléments de construction — Partie 2: Protection contre le bruit de choc.
4.1 General
The values obtained in accordance with ISO 10140-3 and Iso 140-7 are compared with reference values (see 42) at the frequencies of measurement within the range 100 Hz to 3 150 Hz for measurements in one-third-octave bands or 125 Hz to 2 000 Hz for measurements in octave bands.
The comparison shall be carried out in accordance with 4.
4.2 Reference values
The set of reference values used for comparison with measurement results shall be as given in iii1..3. The reference curves are shown in figuri and 2.
NOTE The reference values for the octave bands 125 Hz to 1 000 Hz are equivalent to the energetic sum (rounded to Integers) of these for the relevant one-third-octave band values. The reference value for the octave band 2 000 Hz has been reduced to take care of the one-third-octave band 3 150 lIz. which (for bare heavy floors) may contribute considerably to the unfavourable deviations.
4.3 Method of comparison
4.3.1 Measurements in one-third-octave bands
To evaluate the results of a measurement o1L, L or in one-third-octave bands, the measurement data shall be given to one decimal place.’) Shift the reference curve in increments of I dB (0,1 d13 for the purpose of expression of uncertainty) towards the measured curve until the sum of unfavourable deviations is as large as possible but not more than 32,0 dB.
An unfavourable deviation at a particular frequency occurs when the results of measurements exceed the reference value. Only the unfavourable deviations shall be taken into account.
The value, in decibels, of the reference curve at 500 Hz, after shifting It in accordance with this procedure, is L0,, or LflTW respectively.
1) The different parts of ISO 140 state that the results shall be reported “to one decimal place” However, if the octave or one-third-octave values have been reported with more than one decimal digit, the values shall be reduced to one decimal place before use In the calculation of the single number rating. This Is done by taking the value In tenths of a decibel closest to the reported values: XX.XYZ ZZ … is rounded to XX.X if Y is less than Sand to XX.X + 0,1 If Y is equal to or greater than 5. Software developers should ensure that this reduction applies to the true input values and not only to the displayed precision (as shown on the screen or printed on paper). Generally this can be implemented by the following sequence of instructions: multiply the (positive) number XX,XYZ ZZ … by 10 and add 0.5, take the integer part and then divide the result by 10. For further details see ISO 80000.1.111.ISO 717-2-2013 pdf free download.

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