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ISO 7176-11-2012 pdf free download

ISO 7176-11-2012 pdf free download.Wheelchairs Part 11 Test dummies Fauteuils roulants Partie 11 : Mannequins d’essai.
The distance between the knee pivots and the hip pivots shall be adjustable. The range of adjustment shall include the nominal value Of Ithigh and a value 75 mm greater. If the adjustment is incremental, the increments should not be greater than 15 mm. The means for adjustment shall be locked whenever the test dummy is in use, while allowing the hip pivots and knee pivots to rotate freely.
NOTE The requirement for adjustment Is to allow the test dummy to be adjusted to lit a particular wheelchair.
7.2.5 The nominal value of ‘leg shall be as shown in Table 1.
The distance between the knee pivots and the ankle pivots shall be adjustable to allow the foot loading pads to be positioning on the foot supports of a wheelchair. Provision shall be made to allow the test dummy to be used with the means foradjustment locked or unlocked, while allowing the knee and ankle pivots to rotate freely in either condition.
NOTE The means for adjustment would be locked to allow the lower leg segment to support the mass of the other segments, for example to use the test dummy in a standing position. The means would be unlocked, for example, in wheelchair fatigue testing when the test dummy is used in the seated position.
7.2.6 The forward position of the ankle pivots relative to the rear of the foot loading plates shall be (70 ± 15) mm.
7.2.7 The relative height of the ankle pivots above the bottom of the foot loading plates shall be (60 ±
15) mm.
7.3 Loading pads
7.3.1 Loading pads transmit loads between the test dummy and the wheelchair under test. They are components of the test dummy, but they maybe removable.
7.3.2 A torso loading pad shall be fitted at the rear of the torso segment. The foam cushion of the torso loading pad shall have the property specified in 6.3 and shall be of unloaded thickness (30 ± 5) mm.
7.3.3 A thigh loading pad shall be fitted to the underside of the thigh segment. The foam cushion of the thigh loading pad shall have the property specified in 6.3 and shall be of unloaded thickness (30 ± 5) mm.
7.3.4 The distance between the seat reference plane and the lowest point of the torso loading plate shall be between 25 mm and 80 mm.
The distance between the back support reference plane and the rearmost point of the thigh loading plate shall be between 25 mm and 80 mm.ISO 7176-11-2012 pdf free download.

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