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ISO 7210-2013 pdf free download

ISO 7210-2013 pdf free download.Routine analytical cigarette-smoking machine — Additional test methods for machine verification
Machine a furner analytique de routine pour cigarettes — Méthodes dessais corn plémentaires pour Ia verification de la machine.
5.2.3 Requirements for both systems
The device shall not Increase the pressure drop of the system above the limit of 300 Pa and the overall gain and response of the system shall be sufficient to visualize the puff profile and determine its significant parameters.
A sufficient result will be achieved by the use of elements that fulfil the following conditions:
— laminar flow element having a nominal pressure drop of 100 Pa ± 10 Pa at a flow of 17,5 ml/s;
— pressure transducer with a suitable range, an accuracy off 5 Pa or better and a minimal response frequency of 1 kHz.
The above apparatus provides the means to obtain flow rate and time profiles for puffing as shown in ISO 3308:20 12, Annex C.
NOTE Measurement of puff volume, by either system A or system B, can only be a secondary measurement following calibration by reference to a primary device such as a soap film burette as described in ISO 3308.
5.2.4 Expression of results
The following results need to be reported:
— total drawn puff volume expressed in millilitres;
— maximum flow rate expressed In mlllilitres per second;
— time between starting and reaching the maximum (low rate expressed in seconds:
— volume drawn after the time the puffing source ceases to apply suction expressed in millilitres:
— total puff duration time In seconds.
The target values for the above parameters are given in ISO 3308:2012, Annex C.
6 Verification of restricted smoking
6.1 Principle
Measurement of the volume of the smoulder stream smoke between two puffs for machines of discontinuous function or between two suction strokes for machines of continuous function.
NOTE For smoking machines with permanent connection of the port to the suction device, this test is not necessary.ISO 7210-2013 pdf free download.

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