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ISO 7504-2015 pdf free download

ISO 7504-2015 pdf free download.Gas analysis Vocabulary Analyse des gaz-Vocabulaire.
dew point
temperature at or below which, at a specified pressure, condensation from the gas phase will occur
Note I to entry: For pure substances, dew point and bubble point (4.2) coincide. At that temperature, the pressure equals the saturation vapour pressure (45).
bubble point
pressure and temperature condition at which the liquid phase is in equilibrium with the first appearing bubbles of gas
Note ito entry: For pure substances, dew point (4J) and bubble point coincide. At that temperature, the pressure equals the saturation vapour pressure (45).
critical point
single point in pressure-temperature space at which the composition (1) and properties of the gas and liquid phases in equilibrium are identical
Note I to entry: The pressure at this point is known as the “critical pressure Pc” and the temperature as the “critical temperature Tn”, respectively.
Note 2 to entry: For a pure substance, the critical temperature is that temperature above which only the gas phase can exist irrespective of the applied pressure.
maximum pressure at which two-phase separation (condensation) can occur
Note 1 to entry: The phase coordinates cricondenbar and cricondentherm (4d0) apply to gas mixtures (with the binary system as the simplest case). Fora gas mixture, the critical point (4.,) is no longer the maximum pressure. as well as the maximum temperature for vapour-liquid coexistence (see Figure 1).
Note 2 to entry: It is the highest pressure in the two-phase envelope and generally higher than the critical pressure.
Note 3 to entry: For a pure substance, cricondentherm (4Ji1), cricondenbar, and critical point (48) are represented by a single point, i.e. the critical point.
maximum temperature at which two-phase separation (condensation) can occur
Note 1 to entry: The phase coordinates cricondenbar (4,9) and cricondentherm apply to gas mixtures (with the binary system as the simplest case). For a gas mixture, the crftical point (4..fl) is no longer the maximum pressure, as well as the maximum temperature for vapour-liquid coexistence (see Figure 1).ISO 7504-2015 pdf free download.

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