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ISO 8310-2012 pdf free download
ISO 8310-2012 pdf free download.Refrigerated hydrocarbon and non- petroleum based liquefied gaseous fuels General requirements for automatic tank thermometers on board marine carriers and floating storage
Hydrocarbures réfrigérés et combustibles gazeux liquéfiés a base non pétrolière — Exigences générales pour les thermomètres de reservoir automatiques a bord des transporteurs de cargaison en mer et des stocks flottants.
Accuracy of an ATT used in custody transfer shall be verified periodically. This process normally involves verifying accuracy of the ATT and, if found to be needed, resetting/adjusting the ATTs against a calibration reference. Adjustment or calibration should normally be made by an authorized service engineer with results verified by a qualified third party.
Where there are primary and secondary ATTs In the cargo tanks, comparison of these ATTs during operations is not considered an ATT accuracy verification as defined in this International Standard. An ATT should not be adjusted simply due to an observation of a difference between the primary and secondary ATT.
Periodic recertification of ATTs in custody transfer application is normally required by local regulations and/or the parties to the sales and purchase contract of liquefied gases.
6.5.2 Method of periodic verification
Periodic accuracy verification shall be performed in accordance with the SAT procedure described in 6.4.2. The procedures to determine the overall error described in 7.1 shall also be applied for the determination of the overall error at the time of periodic accuracy verification.
NOTE The accuracy of PRTs does not have to be tested during periodic verification unless their temperature/resistance relationship is suspect (see 6.1).
6.5.3 Frequency of subsequent calibration and recertification
The frequency of periodic accuracy verification is sonwtimes agreed among the parties to the sales and
purchase contract of liquefied gases, and may be subject to national or local regulations and International
Standards. Periodic verification is typically scheduled to coincide with classification society inspections.
The frequency should also take Into consideration recommendations by the ATT manufacturer.
6.5.4 Customary verification
Cross-checking of the outputs from the primary and secondary PRTs during operation or tracking of the history may provide an indication of the performance of the ATTs. However, it is recognized that such verification does not constitute a means of ensuring that the accuracy of the ATTs meets the accuracy requirement set forth in 7.1.1.
7 Accuracy requirement
7.1 Overall error
7.1.1 The overall error of an ATT at the time of SAT (6.4.2) or periodic accuracy verification (6.5) shall he determined by either of the following procedures:ISO 8310-2012 pdf free download.
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