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ISO 9022-14-2015 pdf free download

ISO 9022-14-2015 pdf free download.Optics and photonics Environmental test methods Part 14:Dew, hoarfrost, ice
Optique et photonique — Méthodes d’essais d’environnement — Partie 14: Rosée, givre, glace.
5 Procedure
5.1 General
The test shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the relevant specification and with
ISO 9022-1.
5.2 Preconditionlng
Unless otherwise specified in the relevant specification, the surface of the specimen shall be properly cleaned using nonresidue neutral cleaning agents only. After cleaning, the specimen shall be restored to service condition (as, for instance, by applying protecting grease, etc.).
5.3 Test sequence
5.3.1 Conditioning method 75, degree of severity 01; conditioning method 76, degrees of severity 01 and 02
After temperature stabilization in step 1, immediately expose the specimen to the environmental conditions of step 3. This can be done by transferring the specimen to a conditioned room or changing the test chamber conditions.
5.3.2 ConditIoning method 76, degree of severity 03
After temperature stabilization of the specimen in step 1, proceed to step 2 and heat the test chamber to —5 °C. Produce hoarfrost by directing water vapour or atomized spray against the specimen, using a fine nozzle spray gun arranged at a distance of 0,5 m from the specimen.
If state of operation 2 is required, perform an intermediate test after completion of step 2, immediately proceed to step 3, and perform another intermediate test during the process of thawing.
5.3.3 Conditioning method 77 Degree of severity 01
After temperature stabilization of the specimen during step 1, proceed to step 2 and heat the test chamber to —5 °C. Produce a build-up of opaque rime ice, as thick as required, on the specimen by directing a spray of atomized-water, pre-cooled to 5 °C, against the specimen (using a coarse nozzled spray gun arranged at a distance of 0,2 m to 0,3 m from the specimen).
Continue as specified in 5.1Z. Degrees of severity 02 to 04
After temperature stabilization of the specimen in step 1, proceed to step 2 and procedure a build-up of glazed ice on the specimen as required. This can be achieved by sprinkling or pouring freezing water on the specimen (in several layers, if necessary).
If the test solution (salt water) specified in Iso 9022-4 is to be used for producing the build-up of glazed ice when testing to degrees of severity 03 and 04. the relevant specification shall include an appropriate note.
Continue as specified in 5.3.2.
5.4 Recovery
Unless otherwise specified in the relevant specification, superficially dry the specimen after removal from the test chamber. Do not use compressed air for drying. Restore specimen to ambient temperature.
5.5 Final test
Condensed moisture visible on optical surfaces within the specimen shall be acceptable provided that such films vanish within the time interval specified in the relevant specification. Unless penetrated water can be detected by visual inspection, the relevant specification shall specify an appropriate method of verification.ISO 9022-14-2015 pdf free download.

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