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ISO 9038-2013 pdf free download

ISO 9038-2013 pdf free download.Determination of sustained combustibility of liquids
Determination de Ia combustion entretenue des liquides.
8 Procedure
8.1 Record the absolute barometric pressure of the laboratory at the time of the test.
NOTE It is not considered necessary to correct the barometric pressure reading from ambient temperature Lo 0°C, although some barometers automatically make this correction.
8.2 Inspect the test cup for cleanliness and freedom from contamination. Use an absorbent paper tissue to wipe clean, if necessary.
8.3 If the sustained.combustibility test is to be carried out at a temperature specified in regulations or specifications, calculate the adjusted temperature using the specification temperature by correcting for the effect of atmospheric pressure (see Clause 11). Use this adjusted temperature for the test.
8.4 Set the heater control so that the combustibility tester is at the required and stable temperature.
8.5 Open the gas control valve and ignite the ignition source with the jet away from the test position (i.e. in the ofr position, away from the test cup). Adjust the ignition source using the flow control valve so that its width conforms to the size of the flame gauge ring.
8.6 Charge a clean and dry syringe or pipette with a 2,0 ml ± 0.1 ml test portion of the sample and completely discharge this test portion into the test cup. Immediately start the timing device (55). Take care not to lose any sample.
8.7 The operator shall take appropriate safety precautions during the transfer of the test portion to the test cup and the initial application of the ignition source to the test portion. Samples containing low flash point material can give a violent ignition.
8.8 After a heating time of 60 s ± 2 s, by which time the test portion is deemed to have reached its equilibrium temperature, and if the test portion has not ignited, carefully move the ignition source into the test position over the edge of the test cup. Maintain it in this position for 15 s ± 1 sand then return it to the ofr position while observing the behaviour of the test portion. The ignition source shall remain alight throughout the test.
8.9 Turn off the pilot Ilame and ignition source using the gas control valve, and if necessary the power to the heater. When the temperature of the metal block of the combustibility tester reaches a safe level, remove the used test portion and clean the instrument.
Carry out the determination in duplicate, using a new test portion for each test. lfduplicate determinations do not give the same result, carry out an additional single determination; this determination is the result.
For each determination observe and record:
a) whether or not there is ignition and sustained burning or flashing of the test portion before the ignition source is moved into the test position.ISO 9038-2013 pdf free download.

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