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ISO 9362-2014 pdf free download

ISO 9362-2014 pdf free download.Banking — Banking telecommunication messages — Business identifier code (BIC)
Banque — Messages ban caires télétransinis — Code d’ident IJI cation des entreprises (BIC).
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
financial Institution
organization that is principallyengaged in financial intermediationand/orin auxiliaryfinancial activities
Note Ito entry: T’pically, the activity of a financial Institution is the acquisition of financial assets while incurring liabilities on its own account by engaging in financial transactions in a market; for the purposes of providing payment, securities, banking, financial, insurance, or investment services or activities. A financial organization shall either be the following:
a) (I) licensed by or (Ii) authorized by or (iii) registered with a Financial Market Regulator;
b) is subject to supervision by a Financial Market Regulator;
c) an international, supranational, intergovernmental, or national governmental body. or institution that as a main activity engages in payment. securities, banking, financial, insurance, or investment services or activities (including central banks).
non-financial Institution
organization that does not meet the criteria defined in ai.. primarily established to offer goods or perform services other than financial services
Note 1 to entry: Some non-financial institutions may have secondary financial activities such as providing consumer credit to their customers, or treasury functions. however, such corporations will be classified on the basis of their main activity in the non-financial sector.
business party
financial or non-financial institution in a specific country
organizational unit of the business party, such as a specific location1 department, or service of the business party in the country where it is located
Note 1 to entry: The business party may have several locations, departments. services, or other organizational units that it wants to identify more specifically.
lull legal name
official name of the organization as recorded in the registry where the organization is located (e.g. corporate name approved under the law of any jurisdiction)
registered address
address related to the full legal name
operational address
main address of the organization, or its organizational unit, where it is generally known to be conducting business or where its executive management is located (also known as business address)
4 Conventions
The following conventions are used in this International Standard:
— character representations:
— n: digits (numeric characters 0 to 9 only);
— a: letters (alphabetical characters A to Z only);
— an: letters and digits (alphanumeric without ‘special” characters, such as blanks, separators, punctuation);
— length indications:
— n: fixed length.ISO 9362-2014 pdf free download.

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