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ISO 9717-2010 pdf free download

ISO 9717-2010 pdf free download.Metallic and other inorganic coatings Phosphate conversion coating of metals
Revétements metalliques et autres revétements inorganiques — Couches de conversion au phosphate sur métaux.
Immediately after rinsing, drying, and the embrittlement-relief heat treatment where applied, the phosphate coating is sealed by the application of a supplementary coating (see Table F. 1). The type of coating required (e.g. oil, grease, organic coating, etc.) and, in the case of varnish, lacquer, or organic coatings, the mass or thickness of the coating, shall be as agreed by the purchaser [see 4.1 e) and 4.1 i)J.
When heavily pigmented organic coatings are applied to a Class 1 or Class 2 phosphate coating. complete impregnation may not be achieved, leading to a serious lack of adhesion, particularly under dynamic conditions. When such phosphate films are given treatments for supplementary coating, consideration should be given to using a low-viscosity impregnating coat of clear lacquer compatible with the normal organic coating system, followed by the normal coating system.
6.8 Adhesion of phosphate conversion coatings
When the function of the phosphate conversion coating is corrosion resistance, an ancillary treatment is always required. Guidance for phosphate conversion coatings to ensure good adhesion of organic coatings, varnishes and related finishes, and to improve corrosion resistance of the basis metal, is given in Annex A.
If phosphated components are to be given organic coating systems, varnishes or similar coatings, they shall first be rinsed In clean tap water and then preferably in deionized water, so as to ensure that the surfaces are free from any water-soluble residues from previous processing, etc.. which could give rise to blister formation in the applied film. It is equally important that the phosphated surface intended to have organic coatings shall be free of additional contamination, such as dust or finger prints.
6.9 Quality-evaluation test of phosphate conversion coatings
For applications suitable for intense local action rather than that produced by a continuous moving moisture film, the salt droplet test (see Annex 0 and Reference [1) in the Bibliography) shall be used, unless otherwise specified by the purchaser [see 4.1 j)j.
For a test method to provide a means of controlling the continuity and quality of the coating by a continuous moving moisture film, use the neutral salt spray (Fog) test method (see Annex E and References [2] and [7] in the Bibliography), unless otherwise specified by the purchaser [see 4.1 j)].
In all cases, the minimum exposure time before the first appearance of the corrosion product of the substrate, mode of assessment and whether removal of supplementary coatings is needed prior to examination of tested specimens shall be specified by the purchaser [see 4.1 j)J.
Depending on the composition of the material used for supplementary coating, considerable scatter of exposure times can occur before the first appearance of corrosion Therefore, minimum exposure time shall always be specified for the supplementary coating.
Salt droplet and neutral salt spray (fog) tests provide means of controlling the continuity and quality of the coatings and are not corrosion tests on metals.ISO 9717-2010 pdf free download.

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