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ISO 9806-2013 pdf free download

ISO 9806-2013 pdf free download.Solar energy — Solar thermal collectors — Test methods
Energie solaire — Capteurs the rmiques solaires — Méthodes dessai.
A temperature sensor shall be attached to the absorber to monitor its temperature during the test. The sensor shall be positioned in the hottest region of the absorber. The location shall be reported with the results. In case of liquid flat plate collectors the hottest region can be assumed at two-thirds of the absorber height and half the absorber width. It shall be fixed firmly in a position to ensure good thermal contact with the absorber. The sensor shall be shielded from solar radiation.
In case of collectors using external power sources and active or passive measures for normal operation and self-protection, high temperature resistance test shall be carried out during the exposure test. If controls are present to manage both a no-flow and high temperature condition, the collector shall be filled with heat transfer fluid according to the procedure described in and operated as intended. If the function is ok, it should not be able to reach stagnation conditions. In that case the controls shall be checked and the collector shall operate close to the maximum operating temperature defined by the manufacturer (below control system trigger temperature). In the test report specifications must be given for the flow rate, fluid temperature, and duration of flow.
When testing collectors, such as evacuated tubular collectors, for which it is not appropriate to measure the standard stagnation temperature at the absorber, the temperature sensor should be placed at a suitable location in the collector, and this location should be clearly described with the test results.
In some cases, such as evacuated collectors, it may be difficult to attach a temperature sensor to the absorber. In such cases, instead of attaching a temperature sensor to the absorber, the testing laboratory may partially fill the absorber with a suitable fluid, seal the absorberand measure the temperature of the fluid directly or measure the pressure in the absorber. The relationship between the internal pressure in the absorber and its temperature should be known from the standard vapor pressure/temperature relationship for the fluid. Alternatively the absorber temperature of a heat pipe tubular collector may reasonably be measured by affixing a temperature sensor to the condenser during assembly.
It is recommended to perform the determination of the standard stagnation temperature together with the high-temperature resistance test.
In case of a solar air heating collector, the mass flow rate for the measurement of the maximum starting temperature shall be same as the smallest one applied in the collector thermal efficiency test.
The test shall be performed for a minimum of 1 h after steady-state conditions have been established (steady-state conditions can be assumed for absorber temperatures changes of less than ± 5 K). and the collector shall be subsequently inspected for signs of damage as specified in Clause 18.
9.3 Test conditions
The set of reference conditions given in Table 2 or conditions resulting in the same or higher collector temperature than standard stagnation temperature according to Clause 10 shall be used for all climate classes (see Table 4).ISO 9806-2013 pdf free download.

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