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ISO 9906-2012 pdf free download

ISO 9906-2012 pdf free download.Rotodynamic pumps — Hydraulic performance acceptance tests — Grades 1, 2 and 3
Pompes rotodynamiques — Essais de fonctionnement hydraulique pour Ia reception — Niveaux 1, 2 et 3.
G.1 General
For certain pump acceptance testing altuaboiw there we other specialized test methods wtede can be more practicat to use These and other possible methods we typicesy hltly specialized wed reQuire esperlence and intimate knowledge oN the respective methods and processes in order to obtain eccinte test results Tat examples are even we ems arreex
Teeing asinaller scale putnprnodel This method requires that geoneetrlcaiyermitw model pumps be consiructed such that the entire Internal prep geometry is linearly scaled down The pump seal reatits, imcliflng efficiency, can be scaled up to accurately reesent the fiat scale prototype pump. The model should be consisucled as large as possible to scitiese the best accuracy. An example of an eiusbng teal stanelerd S .115 B 8327
Ptrmp eN tlciancy sealing can be performed by precisely measuring the difference we pumped medic lemperatin between the Inlet and otilel of she pump. Thet method Is curwnonly referred so a the Thermodynwteic’ teal method. For a detailed description of this method. see IEC 60041 tn case of an weverter drIven test system. the uncerleelty of the pump efficiency may be reduced by measuring the pump efficiency directly eating the thermodynamic method.
H.1 Physically witnessed pump test
The purchaser’s representative signs off on the raw test data to certify that the test Is performed satisfactorily. It is possible for final acceptance of the pump performance to be determined by the witness. The benefit of witness testing depends largely on the effectiveness and expertise of the witness. A witness cannot only ensure the test is conducted properly, but can also observe operation of the pump during testing prior to pump shipment to the job site. A disadvantage of witness testing can be extended delivery times and excessive cost. With just-in-time manufacturing methods, the scheduling of witness testing requires flexibility on the part of the witness and can lead to additional costs if the schedule of the witness causes delays in manufacturing.
H.2 Remotely witnessed pump test
The purchaser can monitor the entire testing remotely in real time. The raw data, as recorded by the data acquisition system, can be viewed and analysed during the test, and the results can be discussed and submitted for approval. The advantages of this type of testing are in travel costs and accelerated pump delivery.ISO 9906-2012 pdf free download.

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