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IEC 60754-2-2019 pdf free download

IEC 60754-2-2019 pdf free download.Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables — Part 2: Determination of acidity (by pH measurement) and conductivity
Essai sur les gaz émis lors de Ia combustion des matériaux prélevés sur cables — Partie 2: Determination de Ia conductivité et de l’acidité (par mesure du pH).
The boat containing the test specimen shall be quickly inserted into the heating zone of the tube to the designated position determined by the thermocouple measurement and the timer shall be started. The combustion boat shall be placed in such a way that the distance between the boat and the exit end of the effective heating zone is at least 300 mm. The effective heating zone is that zone where a temperature of not less than 900 °C has been determined by the thermocouple measurement.
The combustion procedure, under the air flow condition, shall be continued for (30 ±1) mm in the furnace.
WARNING The operator should take precautions. e.g. the weanng of eye protection and suitable protective clothing, because certain materials ignite quickly, and can cause blow back of hot gases. Care should also be taken to avoid over-pressurization of the system, and to allow for venting of exhaust gases. Guidance on the avoidance of blow backa is given in NOTE 2 of 51.
7.4 Washing procedure
Following the heating procedure, all the bottles used shall be disconnected, and the contents washed into a 1 000 ml volumetric flask. Using water with the properties given in 5.5, the bottles, the connecting links and, after cooling, the end of the quartz glass tube including the silica wool (if used) shall also be washed into the flask, and the contents made up to the 1 000 ml mark.
7.5 Determination of the pH value and conductivity
The pH shall be measured using a pH meter calibrated as proposed by the instrument supplier.
The pH value of the solution shall be determined at (25 ±1) °C in accordance with the test procedures as prescribed by the supplier of the measuring instrument.
Conductivity value measurements shall also be performed at (25 ±1) °C in accordance with the test procedures as prescribed by the supplier of the conductivity measuring instrument.IEC 60754-2-2019 pdf free download.

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