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AWS A4.5M/A4.5:2020 pdf free download
AWS A4.5M/A4.5:2020 pdf free download.Standard Methods for Classification Testing of Positional Capacity and Root Penetration of Welding Consumables in a Fillet Weld.
3. General Requirements
Samples of welding consumables (electrodes or wires) to he tested shall he representative of the manufacturer’s products being classified. Test pieces shall be prepared and tested as specified in Clauses 5. 6. and 7, as well as in the consumable classification standard. The test results shall fulfill the requirements of the classification standard.
4. Test Plate Material
The plate material shall be selected from the range of materials and material thicknesses prescribed by the consumable classification standard. The surfaces to be welded shall be free of scale, rust, and other contaminants.
5. Preparation of the Test Piece
5.1 Before assembling, the web piece of the assembly shall have one edge 01 the web flat and square throughout its length so that, when the web is set on the (lange, which shall be straight and smooth, there will be intimate contact along the entire length of the joint. The web and flange shall be assembled as shown in Figure 1. Both ends of the joint shall be secured by tack welds to maintain intimate contact along the length of the joint and to maintain the 900 angIe between the web and flange. The web and flange dimensions shall be in accordance with those given in the consumable classification standard.
5.2 The position of welding and conditions of welding shall be as prescribed in the consumable classification standard for the classification and size of consumable under test, and as defined in AWS A3.OM/A3.O. A single pass fillet weld shall he deposited on one side of the joint for approximately the full length of the test piece. The minimum temperature of the assembly shall be 15°C [60°F]. For covered electrodes, at least one electrode (and as many more as the weld permits) shall be continuously consumed to within the permissible stub length of 50 mm [2 in]. For electrodes longer than 450 mm 118 ml. designed specifically for use in gravity welding, the fillet weld may he made either manually or with a device designed specifically for gravity welding. For wire electrodes, tubular cored electrodes, and wires, welding shall be continuous from start to finish of the fillet weld.AWS A4.5M/A4.5:2020 pdf free download.
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