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AWS A5.11/A5.11M:2018 pdf free download

AWS A5.11/A5.11M:2018 pdf free download.Specification for Nickel and Nickel -Alloy Welding Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding.
11.3.2 A rounded indication is an indication (on the radsograph whose length is no more than three times its width. Rounded indications may he circular. elliptical, conical, or irregular in shape. and they may hase tails. The size of a rounded indication is the largest dimension of the indication including any tail that may he present. The indications may be of porosity or slag. The total area of the rounded indications for the alternative method hail not cxcccd the vatucs given in Note 3 to the radiographic standards (Figures 4 through 8). Indications whose largest dimension does not ccced 1/64 in 10.4 mml shall he disregarded. Test assemblies with rounded indications larger than the largest indications permitted in the radiographic standards do not meet the requirements of this specification.
12. Tension Test
12.1 One all-weld-metal tension test specimen. as specified in the Tension Test section of AWS B4.0 or AWS B4.OM.
shall be machined as described and shown in Figure 2. The tensile specimen shall have a nominal dianwtcr ol 0.500 in
112.5 mmj (or lest assemblies 314 in 120 mml thickncis. a nominal diameter of 0.254) In 6.5 mml for test assemblies 1(2
in 112 mml thickness, and a nominal diameter of 0.160 in 14.0 mml (or test assemblies of 3/8 in (10 mm( thickness.
12.1 The specimen shall he tested in the manner described in the tension test section of the latest edition of AWS B4.() or
12.3 The results of the tension test shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.
13. Bend Test
13.1 Three transverse side bend specimens (for electrodes larger than 5/64 in 12.0 mml) or two transscrsc bce bend specimens (for 5/64 in 12.0 mml electrodes), as required in Table 2. shall be taken from the asscnihl> described in 9.4,1 and shown in Figure 2. The dimensions of the specimens shull 1w as shown in Table 5.
13.2 The specimens shall be iestcd in the manner described in the Bend Test section of AWS B4.0 or B4.OM. by bending them uniformly through 180’ over a 314 in 119 mrnl radius. Any suitabk jig. AWS A5.11/A5.11M:2018 pdf free download.

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