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AWS A5.16/A5.16M:2013 pdf free download

AWS A5.16/A5.16M:2013 pdf free download.Specification for Titanium and Titanium-Alloy Welding Electrodes and Rods.
A WS A3.OM/A3.0, Standard Welding Ternis and l)finiiions
A WS A 5.01 MIA 5.01 (ISO 14344 MOD). Procurement Guidelines for Consumables— Welding and Allied Processes—Flux and Gas Shielded Electrical Welding Processes
A WS A5.02/A5.02M. Specification for Filler Mew! Standard Sizes, Packaging, and Physical A tirthutes
2.2 The following ANSI standard2 is referenced in the mandatory sections oft/us document:
ANSI Z49. I, Safrrv in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes
2.3 The j’ollowing ASTM standards1 are refrrenced in the mandatory sections of this docu,neni’:
ASTM £29, Standard Practice for Using Signifi cant Digils in Test Data to Detc’rmnine Conformance with
Spec ijica (ions
ASTM £539, Stcmdarc! Test Method for A,ialvsis of Titanium Alloys by X—Ray Fluorescence Spectromneirv
ASTM E1409, Standard Test Method for Determination of Oxygen and Nitrogen in Titanium and Titanium Alloys by time Inert Gas Fusion Tc’cimnique
ASTM £1447, Standard Test Me/hoc! for Deu’r,nination of Hydrogen in Titanium and Titanium Alloys by i/ic’ Inert Gas Fusion Thermal C’onductivitv/lnfrared 1)etection Method
ASTM £194!, Standard Test Met/mod for Determination of carbon in Rc’frac/orv and Reactive Metals and Their Alloys by Combustion Analysis
ASTM £237), Sitimidard Test Method for Ammalysis of litanium and Titanium Alloys by Atomic Emission Plasma Spectronietrv
ASTM £2626, Standard Guide for Spectronietric Analysis of Reactive and Refractory Metals
2.4 The following ISO standards4 are referenced in the mandatory sections of this document:
ISO 544. Welding consumables — Technical delivery conditions for welding tiller materials and fluxes-Type of’
product. dimensions, tolerances and markings
ISO 14344, Welding consumables—Procurement of tiller materials and fluxes
ISO 80000—1:2009, Quantities and units — Part 1 : General
3. Classification
The welding umisuinables nuiv be classified with (I numerical and/or an A WS desigiiaiion.
I. Numerical designation:
a. The first part indicates (lu’ product form as solul ‘ires or rods, see 4. I
b. The second part gives a numerical symbol indicating the chemical composition of the solid wire/rod, see Table 1.
2. A WS designation:
a. The A WS classification includes the product form as part f the classifi cation designator.
4. Symbols and Requirements
4.1 Symbols for the Product Form
The symbol for the solid wire and rod shall be S. If ijumerical desigiiarions are used there is no additional symbol when A WS classification is used.AWS A5.16/A5.16M:2013 pdf free download.

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