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AWS A5.17/A5.17M:2019 pdf free download

AWS A5.17/A5.17M:2019 pdf free download.Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding.
A 1. Introduction
The purpose of this guide is to correlate the electrode and flux classifications with their intended applications so the specification can be used el’fectivelv. Appropriate base metal specifications are referred to whenever that can he done and hen it would he helpful. Such references are intended only as examples rather than complete I isli ngs of the materials toi’ Which each flux or electrode is siiiiahle.
A2. Classification System
2.1 (lassilkation of Flectrodes. The system for identifviru the electrode classifications in this specification follows the standard pattern used i ri other A\VS filler metal specifications. The letter “F” (or “EC” for composite electrodes) at the bejI1I1jIi of’ each classification desination stands lot electrode. The remainder of’ the desination indicates the chemical composition of’ the electrode or. iii the case of composite electrodes, the chemical composition of the weld metal obtained with a particular flux. See Figure I or Figure I \i. as appl icahle.
The letter I .‘‘ indicates that the solid electrode is comparat I velv low in manganese content. The letter “M” indicates a IlleditmIll mamnianese content. while the letter “H” indicates a comparatively high manganese content. The one or two digits I’ollm ing the manganese designator indicate the iiomiiinal carbon content of the electrode. The letter “K”. which I)1I ifl some tlesiiiat iOfl%, indicates a hiher silicon content in the electrode. Sot itt electrodes are c lassi tied on lv on the basis of their chemiiical composition, as speci lied in Thhle I of’ this speci ltca(ion.
A composite electi’ode is indicated by the letter “C’’ aI’ter the “F’’ and a numerical suFfix, The composition ol a composite electrode may include metal tic elements in the core material that are also present as oxides. Iluorides. etc.. ol those siune elements. Therefore. ilie chemiiical analysis of’ a coniposite electrode may not he directly comparable to au analysis made on a solid electrode. For this reason, the composition of composite electrodes is not used for classification pum’poses under this specification, and the user is reFerred 10 weld metal comilposition ( Table 2) ith a particu tar liux. ratlier than to eleclrode composition.AWS A5.17/A5.17M:2019 pdf free download.

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