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AWS A5.34/A5.34M:2018 pdf free download
AWS A5.34/A5.34M:2018 pdf free download.Specification for Nickel-Alloy Flux Cored and Metal Cored Welding Electrodes.
13.2 The specimen shall be tested in the manner described in the Bend Test clause of AWS B4.0 or AWS B4.0M by bending it uniformly through 180 degrees over a 3/4 in 119 mm] radius. Any suitable jig, as specified in the Bend Test clause of AWS B4.O orAWS B4.OM may be used.
13.3 The specimen, after bending, shall conform to the 314 in [19 mm] radius, with appropriate allowance for spring back, and the weld metal shall show no defects on the tension face greater than 1/8 in [3 mm].
14. Fillet Weld Test
14.1 The fillet weld test, when required in Table 3, shall he made in accordance with the requirements of suhclause 9.6 and Figure 4. The entire face of the completed fillet shall he examined visually, and shall show no cracks and he reasonably free of undercut. After the visual examination, a specimen containing approximately I in [25 mm] of weld (in the lengthwise direction) shall be prepared as shown in Figure 4. One cross-sectional surface of the specimen shall be polished and etched, then examined as required in subclause 14.2.
14.2 Scribe lines shall be placed on the prepared surface, as shown in Figure 5, and the leg lengths and convexity of the fillet shall be determined to the nearest 1/64 in [0.5 mm] by actual measurement (see Figure 5). These dimensions shall meet the requirements in Figure 5 for fillet size, convexity, and permissible difference in the length of (he legs.
14.2.1 The fillet weld shall have penetration to or beyond the junction of the edges of the plates.
14.2.2 The legs and convexity of the fillet weld shall be within the limits prescribed in Figure 5.
14.2.3 The fillet weld shall show no evidence of cracks.
14.2.4 The weld shall be reasonably free from undercutting, overlap, trapped slag, and porosity.
15. Chemical Analysis of Metal Cored Electrodes
15.1 PJetal cored electrodes shall be sampled for chemical analysis by one of the following methods:AWS A5.34/A5.34M:2018 pdf free download.
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