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AWS B2.1-1-317:2018 pdf free download

AWS B2.1-1-317:2018 pdf free download.Standard Welding Procedure Specification for Naval Applications (SWPS-N) for 75% Argon Plus 25% Carbon Dioxide Shielded Flux Cored Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (S-i), 1/8 inch [3 mm] through 1-1/2 inch [38 mm] Thick,MIL-70T-1 and MIL-71T-1, in the As-Welded or PWHT Condition, Primarily Pipe for Naval Applications.
Al. Introduction
The following procedures are here to assist standard users in submitting successful requests for official interpretations to AWS standards. Requests from the general public submitted to AWS staff or committee members that do not follow these rules may be returned to the sender unanswered. AWS reserves the right to decline answering specific requests: if AWS declines a request, AWS will provide the reason to the individual why the request was declined.
A2. Limitations
The activities ofAWS technical committees regarding interpretations are limited strictly to the interpretation of provisions of standards prepared by the committees. Neither AWS staff nor the committees arc in a position to offer interpretive or consulting services on (I) specific engineering problems, (2) requirements of standards applied to fabrications outside the scope of the document, or (3) points not specifically covered by the standard. In such cases, the inquirer should seek assistance from a competent engineer experienced in the particular field of interest.
A3. General Procedure for all Requests
A3.1 Submission. All requests shall be sent to the Managing Director. AWS Standards DcvclopmenL For efficient handling, it is preferred hat all requests should be submitted electronically through standardstaws.org. Alternatively. requests may be mailed to:
Managing Director
Standards Development
American Welding Society
X669NW36St.# 130
Miami, FL. 33166
A3.2 Contact Information. All inquiries shall contain the name, address, email, phone number, and employer of the inqUi ICr.
A3.3 Scope. Each inquiry shall addrcss one single provision of thc standard unless the issuc in question involves two or more interrelated provisions. The provision(s) shall be identified in the scope of the request along with the edition of the standard (e.g., 1)1.1:2006) that contains the provision(s) the inquirer is addressing.
A3.4 Question(s). All requests shall be stated in the form of a question that can be answered yes” or no”. The request shall be concise, yet complete enough to enable the committee to understand the point of the issue in question. When the point is not clearly defined, the request will be returned for clarification. Sketches should be used whenever appropriate, and all paragraphs. figures, and tables (or annexes) that bear on the issue in question shall be cited.AWS B2.1-1-317:2018 pdf free download.

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