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AWS B2.2/B2.2M:2016 pdf free download

AWS B2.2/B2.2M:2016 pdf free download.Specification for Brazing Procedure and Performance Qualification. Undcrcuuing ‘hall have a masimum depth of q of ihc hac metal thickness, or 0010 in [0.25 mm]. whiches’er is the lesser.
4.22.4 No cracks shall be visible in the hra,ed joint. No evidence of base metal melting shall be present. csccpi that corners of aluminum and alummum alloys, copper alloys, and magnesium alloys may be rounded by melting. Base metal melting resulting from tack welds used to assemble a test hraicmcni and katcd in portions to he discarded arc accq*ahk.
4.2.3 Tension Test. The cutting plan for the blanks for the tcnsion specimens from standard lest hraicments is shown in Figures 4.1 through 4.4. exc.p that the specimen for pipe and tube with an outside diameter of3 in (75 mm or less shall be in accordance with For hun iw scarf joints, tension specimens shall he prepared as shown in Figure A.2A for plate and Figure A.2B (or pipe greater than 3 in (75 mmj OD. For tap joints, spliced bun joints, and rabbet joints in plate or pipe greater than 3 in 175 mmj Of). tension specimens shall be prepared as shown in Figure AX’. Specimens shall be tested with no restraining device to present distoriion Where a peel lCst with a flanged member is substituted for the rnacrocteh lest, as described in 4.2.6. the tension specimen shall be tested without remosal of the flanges. For pipe and tubcii with an outside diameter greater than 3 in (75 mmj. tension specimens as shown in Fig- ui-c A.2A or A2H. csccpt for the curvature of the specimen transverse asis. shall be tcsted with no restraining device to present distortion during testing. Where a peel tcst with a flanged member is substituted foi thc macrnctch test, as dcscnbed in 4.2.6. the tension specimen shall be tcsted without removal of the flanges. For pipe and tubes with an outside diameter of 3 in (75 mm( or less, a tension specimen consisting of a length of the entire joint shall he tested as shown in Figure A.2D. Acceptance (‘rftcrla (or Butt Joints. The specimen shall have a minimum tensile strength in accordance with Table B.1 or as established by the Referencing flocumeni Acceptance Criteria (or Lap Joints, Spliced Butt Joints, and Rabbet Joints. The specimen shall have a tensile strength not less than 95’1 of the minimum tensile strength of the base metal. If this base metal minimum tensile strength is not given in Table B. I. it shall be established in the Referencing Document. The tensile strength of the specimen shall be computed by dis iding the ultimate load by the cross-sectional area of the base metal. For dissimilar metal jonts the di’. isot shall he the crnss.sectional area at the joint member where the failure occurred.
4.2.4 Bend Test. The cutting plan for the blanks for the bend specimens from standard test hr.uements is shown in Figures 4.1 and 4.4. Figure 4.4 applies to pipe and tubes of all diameters.AWS B2.2/B2.2M:2016 pdf free download.

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