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AWS B2.3/B2.3M:2018 pdf free download

AWS B2.3/B2.3M:2018 pdf free download.Specification for Soldering Procedure and Performance Qualification.
4.2 Soldering Test Assemblies and Acceptance Criteria. Each soldering procedure shall he qualified by making one
or more test assemblies. These may he either standard soldered test assemblies, or when permitted by the Referencing
Document, workmanship soldered test assemblies. Standard test assemblies are illustrated in Figures C.l through C.4.
Typical workmanship soldered test assemblies are shown in Figure C.5.
4.2.1 Visual Examination. All soldered test assemblies shall he inspected by visual means prior to cutting for mechanical and macroetch specimens.
4.2.2 Acceptance Criteria for Visual Examination. The results of the visual examination shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Solder metal shall be present at all edges of a joint.
(2) No unmelted filler metal shall be present.
(3) No cracks shall he visible in the joint.
(4) No evidence of base metal melting shall be present.
4.2.3 Tension Test. The cutting plan for the blanks for the tension specimens from standard test asseniblies is shown in Figures C. 1 through C.4, except that the specimen for pipe and tube with an outside diameter of 3 in [76 mm] or less shall be in accordance with Tension specimens shall be prepared as shown in Figure C.9 for butt joints in plate. Tension specimens shall be prepared as shown in Figure C. 10 for lap joints, spliced butt joints, and rabbet joints in plate. Specimens shall be tested with no restraining device to prevent distortion. Where a peel test with a flanged member is substituted for the macroetch test, as described in 4.2.5, the tension specimen shall he tested without removal of the flanges. For pipe and tubes with an outside diameter greater than 3 in [76 mm], tension specimens as shown in Figure C.9 or C.l0, except for the curvature of the specimen transverse axis, shall he tested with no restraining device to prevent distortion during testing. AWS B2.3/B2.3M:2018 pdf free download.

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