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AWS B2.3/B2.3M:2018 pdf free donwload

AWS B2.3/B2.3M:2018 pdf free donwload.Specification for Soldering Procedure and Performance Qualification.
(a) the total area of discontinuities such as pores. voids. unsoldered areas, and inclusions. does not exceed I 5% of the area of either fracture surface: and
(b) no discontinuity dimension, or combination of discontinuity dimensions, extends more than 20% along any line that would provide a teak path from one plate or pipe and tube surface to the opposing surface.
4.2.5 Nlacnctch Test. The cutting plan ftr the blanks for the macroetch specimens from the standard soldered test assemblies is shown in Figures C.2 and CA. The blanks shall be 1-1/2 in 138 mml in width: except that tbr pipes and tubes with an outside diameter of 3 in 176 mm or less, the blanks shall be two opposing quadrants. Both sides of each blank shall be smoothed and etched with a reagent to give a clear definition of the solder and examined with a three to ten power magnifying glass. Acceptance Criteria for Niacroetch Tests. None of the cross sections. when considered individually. shall have a total length of discontinuities, such as pores. voids. unsoldered areas, or inclusions, greater than 20% of any single lap length. No cracks shall be present in the joint or in the base metal.
4.2.6 Peel Test. Peel tests of standard soldered test assemblies with lap or spliced butt joints in plate or pipe and tube with an outside diameter greater than 3 in 176 mml may be substituted for the macroetch test. The peel sample shall separate within the solder tiller metal, at the solder interface, or a combination of the two sites. The cutting plan for the peel specimens from standard test soldered assemblies is shown in Figures C.3 and C.4. The blanks shalt be approximately 1-1/2 in 138 rnml in width. The inclusion of a flange on one member of a lap joint, or the splice member of a spliced butt joint as illustrated in Figure C.3. to facilitate peel testing is optional. No preparation of the specimen blank is necessary. Acceptance Criteria for PecI Tests. None of the exposed surfaces, when considered individually, shall have a total area of discontinuities, such as pores, voids, unsoldered areas, and inclusions, greater than 15% of the faying surface. No discontinuity dimension, or combination of discontinuity dimensions, shall extend more than 15% along any line that would provide a leak path from one plate or pipe and tube surface to the opposing surface.
4.2.7 Workmanship Soldered Test Assemblies. For joints other than those identified in Table A. AWS B2.3/B2.3M:2018 pdf free donwload.

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