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AWS B5.2:2018 pdf free download
AWS B5.2:2018 pdf free download.Specification for the Training, Qualification, and Company Certification of Welding Inspector Specialists and Welding Inspector Assistants.
7. Written Practice
7.1 The employer shall establish a written practice that details the job functions for welding inspectors, or the employer may use more than one written practice based on specific inspection duties or products. The written practice shall also describe the education, experience, and training required for company certification. A sample outline for recommended practice is included as Annex B.
7.2 The written practice shall include topics. subjects, and training related to the inspection of weidments fabricated to a code, specification, or other standard as applied by the employer.
7.3 The written practice shall define the company official who is authorized to certify inspectors and revoke certification.
8. Physical Requirements
8.1 Candidates must be physically able to safely perform the activities as required or specified by the employer. The functions to be performed by an inspector are defined in the employer’s written practice.
8.2 Vision
8.2.1 Near Vision Acuity: The Welding Inspector Specialist and Welding Inspector Assistant shall be tested for near vision acuity. The Welding Inspector Specialist and Welding Inspector Assistant shall have the ability to read Jaeger Number 2 letters or smaller at a minimum distance of 12 inches (or equivalent test) with at least one eye with or without correction. The Welding Inspector Specialist and Welding Inspector Assistant shall be retested for visual acuity every three years.
8.2.2 Color Perception: The Welding Inspecor Specialist and Welding Inspector Assistant should take a color perception test.
Note: Near vision acuity is considered essential to the proper performance of welding e.iainination. Failure to meet (lie above level of visual acuity shall be a failure to meet the requirements of this specification. color perception is desirable in some spec jfic applications, but is not considered essential for all examinations. It s/ia!! be the employer’s responsibility to establish and enforce visual requirements for its Welding Inspector Specialists (intl Welding Inspector Assistants.
9. Training
Candidates to he considered for qualification and certification shall have received sufficient training to become thoroughly familiar with the principles of welding inspection applicable to the practice to be used and the products to be inspected. Training shall include the specifications, standards, or contract requirements applicable to the inspections being performed. It is the employer’s responsibility to determine the extent of the content and minimum number of hours of training required for a Welding inspector Specialist and Welding Inspector Assistant. Training requirements shall be written into the company’s written practice. Training shall also address safety considerations and the proper care and use of tools and equipment when used. A recommended body of knowledge is provided in Annex A.
10. Examination Requirements
10.1 Proficiency Examination. The employer shall conduct initial examinations for new candidates and periodic updates for previously qualified inspectors. The examinations shall incorporate checkpoints or proficiency demonstration to verify that the individuals possess the ability to perform specific inspection and interpret results. Verification that the candidate met the minimum requirements of this standard shall be a permanent part of the employee’s records.
10.2 Welding Inspector Specialist Examination
10.2.1 The employer shall structure a test consisting of three parts as defined below. Candidates shall achieve a minimum passing score, as determined by the employer, for each of the three parts. A minimum passing score of 70% or higher for each of the three parts is required.AWS B5.2:2018 pdf free download.
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