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AWS C2.19/C2.19M:2013 pdf free download
AWS C2.19/C2.19M:2013 pdf free download.Specification for the Application of Thermal Spray Coatings to Machine Elements for OEM and Repair.
(3) If more than 2 hours elapse between surface preparation and thermal spraying. or if oxidation or contamination from any other source occurs, then the surface shall be cleaned and re-anchor-tooth blasted.
8.5.2 Preheat Substrate Temperature. Components shall not be sprayed if the subsrate temperature is below 60°F
1l6°C1, or if the substrate temperature is less than 10°F 16°CI above the dew point of the ambient temperature.
(I) Wherever possible (or practical) the work shall be preheated to 2X)cF to 250° F 193°C to 121 °C1 to eliminate surface moisture. Higher preheats (350°F Il0°CI) may be required on a case basis for specific substrate or coatings which may develop defects due w thickness of coating. thermal gradients. or differences in cocfficiens of expansion.
(2) Temperature readings shall be taken using a pyrometer. preferably the non-contact, infrared type. Temperature sticks or similar devices shall not be used as detrimental contamination may result.
(3) If preheating is done with a gas flame, the flames shall not be directly applied onto the area to be sprayed to avoid possible oxidation and contamination by carbon deposits. Gas flame preheating is acceptable if test specimens that are preheated with a gas flame pass their respective test criteria.
8.5.3 Spraying Opcration. The spraying operation shall he interrupted only to measure thickness or temperature. or to change spraying material from bond or undercoat to finish coat, or to permit cooling to prevent overheating.
(I) During spraying, the temperature of the workpiece shall not exceed 350°F [I Ho CI or the tempering or aging temperature of the substrate, whichever is lower.
(2) Cooling may be accomplished by use of blast of clean, dry air, carbon dioxide, or other suitable gases introduced near, but not directly upon, the area being sprayed.
8.5.4 Thernial spray Angle. The direction of the thermal spray shall be as close as possible to an angle of 90° with the surface being coated and not less than 45° to the surface.
8.5.5 CMI Down of the V4orkpicce. The workpiece shall be allowed to cool normally to room temperature after spraying is complete. If it is necessary to cool the workpiece more quickly. a blastlstream of air, carbon dioxide, or other suitable gas may be directed onto the workpiece. The blastlstream shall be maneuvered to obtain a uniform cooling rate over the entire section of the workpiece. Do not quench with liquid.
8.6 Application of Sealant. Thermal spray coatings may be sealed after spraying and again after finishing to fill the coating porosity and minimize corrosion of the substrate. The particular sealant selected will depend on the maximum use temperature of the component and purpose of sealing the coating. Some applications may not require sealant or even mandate that sealants not be used because the coating. base metal, or application may be sensitive to compounds.AWS C2.19/C2.19M:2013 pdf free download.
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